Tall, strong, and fierce, Yobuko is also young and inexperienced compared to his Ijin Counterparts. This blend of natural ability coupled with an, as yet, unrivaled capacity to fight might be the most frightening aspect about him. His power is already so incredible that he is the rival of many of his masters, and he is also constantly testing his mettle against full-blooded oni twice his size to the amazement of all his clansmen.
Explore Stats[]

- Type: Ijin Riftling Mini-Boss
- Crystal Affinity: Citrine
- Abilities: Brutality Aura, Improved Critical, Tough
- Unique Actions: Demon Rush, Rampaging Fists, Demonic Challenge
- Potions: N/A
- Movement Points: 6
- Action Points: 3
- Strength: 2R 1G (Melee: 1)
- Armor: 2R (Defense)
- Willpower: 2B
- Dexterity: 2B
- Hearts: 6
- Skull Points: 4
- Monster Platform: Super
Arcade Stats[]

- Type: Ijin Riftling Mini-Boss
- Crystal Affinity: Citrine
- Abilities: Tough
- Unique Actions: Demon Rush, Rampaging Fists, Demonic Challenge
- Potions: N/A
- Movement Points: 6
- Action Points: 3
- Strength: 5W
- Armor: 3W (Defense)
- Range: 3
- Hearts: 7
Explore Mode[]
[Insert Tips for Play]
Arcade Mode[]
[Insert Tips for Play]