Add even more variety to your games of Super Dungeon with this pack of six, all new, double-sided dungeon tiles! Featuring stunning art and 12 unique layouts, themed around the haunted lands of the Glauerdoom Moor and Von Drakk Manor. This tile set is designed to look fabulous no matter which monsters lurk within its depths!
Within each dungeon lurks a colorful host of minor monsters known as creeps. Von Drakk: Ghost House comes with a host of freshly risen Rattle Bone creeps! Presented in glorious purple these creeps are sure drag your Heroes to their doom.
- 12x Rattle Bones
2x Game Cards
- Rattlebone Creep Explore Card
- Rattlebone Creep Arcade Card
10x Tile Effect Cards
- Difficult Terrain
- Chasm
- Structure
- Goddess
- Sentinel
- Champion
- Brambles
- Spawn Location
- Fresh Grave
- Secret Passage