Nether elves see little reason to sacrifice themselves needlessly in battle. Because of this, the large majority of nether elf battalions consist of ranks upon ranks of Arbalists wielding wicked crossbows. Before an enemy is able to engage the nether elves’ lines, they must withstand a withering barrage of bolts.
To be released, Subjest to change
Explore Stats
- Type: Nether Elf Soldier Minion
- Crystal Affinity: Citrine, Ruby
- Abilities: Dread, Surefoot
- Unique Actions: Enervating Bolt
- Movement Points: 7
- Action Points: 1
- Strength: 2B (Melee: 1)
- Armour: 1B (Defense)
- Willpower: 3B
- Dexterity: 3B (Missile: 8)
- Hearts: 1
- Skull Points: 1
- Monster Platform: 8-Bit
Arcade Stats
- Type: Nether Elf Soldier Minion
- Crystal Affinity: Citrine, Ruby
- Abilities: Dread, Surefoot
- Unique Actions: Enervating Bolt
- Movement Points: 7
- Action Points: 1
- Strength: 2W
- Armour: 1W (Defense)
- Range: 8
- Hearts: 1
Explore Mode
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Arcade Mode
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