As the Boss Fight progresses the dungeon boss will take a timeout to regroup: it will remove status effects , summon more monsters , and then renew its attack from a new angle. Immediately after the boss has a number of wound tokens equal to or greater than half of the number of hearts on their card, a timeout is triggered. Before any further actions are carried out, the Consul performs all the following steps:
- Remove all status effect tokens from the dungeon boss card.
- Heal the dungeon boss back to half of its remaining wounds (rounded up) if it went below.
- Resolve any timeout effects listed on the Boss Fight card.
- Spawn up to six skull points of 8-Bit or 16-Bit monsters from the spawning pool. Place the models anywhere within two squares of the dungeon boss.
- The Consul may place the dungeon boss in any square within ten squares of its current location.
A timeout is only triggered once, even if the boss later heals and is subsequently reduced to half its hearts additional times.