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Hanzo crouched on the balls of his feet along the edge of the rocky cliff face, the raging sea hundreds of feet below. A coastal breeze, thick with the smell of sea salt and sumire, caused his scarf to occasionally whip behind him in dramatic fashion. A half moon made the blue-gray water beneath Hanzo shine silver. The rush of the whitecapped frothing tides soothed the ninja, for this place was his. Hanzo had been over more of Kagejima than most over the decades but it was only atop this cliff, isolated deep within the woods, that Hatori Hanzo needn’t be on alert. This place was a secret to many of the denizens of Kagejima. Here he was but a man lost amidst the vast power of mountain, sea, and sky. Kagejima did not fear him, did not call him a killer, did not call him “traitor.”

“I see My Hawk is on his perch, yet I wonder if he is really here?” a voice, gentle, yet firm as iron, sounded from behind Hanzo. The ninja smiled beneath his mask. There were not many who could approach him unawares. She had learned much since he had been her Sensei so long ago. He had not seen her in almost a year, yet it had been much longer since last they spoke. Hanzo had seen through her flimsy disguise within the last Moonlight Tournament. As if a courtesan could possess her skill, her patience, her mastery.

Hanzo lept into the moonlit night, twirling himself lengthwise, then laying out into a fully extended backflip before landing in deep bow, a respectful distance from her. He kept his eyes downcast in respectful deference. His acrobatics had delighted her in her youth, and the smile that played briefly across her pale beatific face alluded to the fact that while she had changed much, some things had remained the same.

“You risk much My Hunting Hawk,” her voice was barely louder than the sound of the surf below, yet it seemed to resound around Hanzo, as if Kagejima itself echoed her will and word. “You are a traitor, and should my men see you, they will try and kill you.”

There that word was again, “traitor.” He had grown accustomed to it over the years. He had even begun to wear the word like armor. Yet to hear her say it tore at him anew, filling him with a violent flash of anger and shame.

“Your missive said you were no closer in your search for Korehira Kunimasa,” she continued. “You say that all clans claim him as one of their own. That each speaks of his affinity for their element of Kagejima. And, you say this cannot be. What makes My Hawk so sure?”

Her last question caught Hanzo by surprise. Everyone knew that only the female line of the rulers of Kagejima had affinity with all the powers and spirits of the land. Some ninja had mastered more than one element, but none save the Moon Queens and Moon Princesses could command them all.

Sensing his confusion, she continued, “It is true that only those of my line can have affinity with all elements of Kagejima at the same time. However, there are some, like Master Kunimasa, who have trained with a clan, gaining affinity as the clan does. Once that affinity has been gained, they train with the next clan, gaining the new clan’s affinity while losing the old one. So you see, Master Kunimasa has had affinity with all the elements of Kagejima at one time or another, simply not at the same time.”

Hanzo had never heard of such a thing. Normally when one aligns with a clan it is because they believe in and embody all that a clan stands for. Those born into the clans of Kagejima are indoctrinated during their upbringing. Most would never leave their clan, and those that do, like the Ronin himself, would seldom think to join another. Yet it would explain why his search for the renowned weaponsmith had been so confusing.

“It is this path of all affinities I would now have you walk, Hatori Hanzo,” her voice changed, gaining the rigidity and clarity of command. She produced a simple scroll from the sleeve of her kimono and set it upon the ground at her feet. “This list contains the names of those who will help you within the six clans: Tora, Yamazaru, Kitsune, Ika, Tanchyo, and Ijin. Learn from them. Master each of their elements. And in doing so, come to know what Master Kunimasa has. Only then will he be found.”

“I need not remind you, My Hawk,” she continued, “of how important it is that he be found. None know better than you what the Sun Empire is capable of. Of what is coming. He must be found and his weapons must be wielded by our ninja. You will not fail me in this.”

Hanzo raised both arms before her, clasping his fist in the palm of his hand and nodding sharply. Before a moment ago he had no idea that what she now asked of him was even possible. But she had commanded it, and he would see it done.

Seemingly satisfied with his response, she turned slowly and began making her way back into the forest. Just before disappearing into the woods she stopped, a silhouette of black outlined by moon-silver amidst the bamboo leaves.

“Have you no words for your student, Sensei?” suddenly she sounded very much like the young girl Hanzo had trained so long ago. Her voice, still strong, carried with it the sorrow of knowing what she had asked him to do before, what she was asking him to do now, and what she would yet ask him to do.

Hanzo rose slowly and made his way to the scroll that lay upon the ground, picking it up and tucking it away in one of his many secreted pockets. “I draw breath to serve Your Grace’s will.”

She nodded slightly before disappearing into the forest.

Hatori Hanzo vanished in shadow.


Sweat caused Hanzo’s noragi to cling to his chest as he sat in the oppressive heat of the forge, waiting for the strange Tora, Artificer Nakamatsu, to finish whatever it was he was doing. The air was thick with sulfur-smoke and the stench of burnt metal. Without warning, loud bangs would erupt erratically through the village. Most were followed by cheers, but some had been followed by shouts of alarm and villagers rushing to a well at the center of the village for buckets of water. Hanzo had disguised himself as a peddler, acquiring a cart filled with raw ore before heading up Getsu. After asking around, he finally wound up in this strange place, filled with oversized pieces of armor being hoisted with pulley and rope, near Getsu’s snowy peak.

Artificer Nakamatsu was the first name on the list she had given him. He was to teach Hanzo the ways of fire. Nakamatsu had not been what the ninja was anticipating. The artificer was wiry by any clan’s standards, let alone the Tora, who pride themselves on strength of body. He wore only a simple cloth wrap around his groin and backside, as well as a soot and sweat-stained kerchief on his head. Nakamatsu’s chest, arms, and upper thighs were heavily tattooed with depictions of Tiger and Fire and marred by countless burn scars from his work at the forge. The artificer had a thin beard, longer at the chin, and large eyes that darted back and forth over his work constantly.

“Not what you expected, eh Cub Killer?” Nakamatsu asked Hanzo, not looking up from his work.

“Cub Killer” was one of Hanzo’s many unflattering names among the clans of Kagejima, this one a particular favorite of the Tora. Some years back, a young Tora chunin, all bravado and swagger, had challenged Hanzo outside of a mountain inn on the snowy face of Getsu. Hanzo accepted with some reluctance and made short work of the Tora youth. The Tora youth would not relent, despite being soundly beaten, and eventually Hanzo had been forced to deliver an injury that would immobilize the youth, if only for a time. Sadly, that night the weather took a turn for the worse. A snow storm forced the inhabitants of the inn to shelter there for a week. In that time, with little medical attention, the wound the young chunin received had spoiled. She died on the fourth day, and the Tora had blamed Hanzo ever since.

“Too often is fire revered for its blaze, its ferocity!” Nakamatsu continued, still toiling away. “They think that to control fire, all you need do is steer the destructive force of the raging flames. They do not know the story of First Artificer Mifune. Will you hear the tale, Cub Killer?”

Hanzo nodded.

“Long Ago, when Tora was young, there was a great madoushi among Tiger’s children named Mifune. Her command of fire was only rivaled by her sound council, and the Tora prospered under her for generations,” Nakamatsu reached back absently, feeling behind him for a small hammer just out of reach.

Hanzo wanted the tale to continue so he nudged the hammer with his foot, pushing it into the artificer’s reach. Nakamatsu nodded his thanks before continuing.

“As is the way of all things, Mifune grew old and tired,” Nakamatsu returned to the tale and his work. “She had seen the other clans begin to use oni against the Tora. So great was the power of Tora under Mifune that the other tribes needed these powerful kami to have a chance at opposing them. Mifune decided she would ask Tiger to fight for Tora. Mifune knew she could not make the journey alone at her age. She needed someone to pass along the secrets of artificing too, so she sent out word to all of the Tora villages, saying she would take an apprentice.”

“Word of the apprenticeship spread like wildfire. Mifune was beloved by all of the Tora, and it would bring honor to any village if one of their number were to be selected as her apprentice. A great tournament was held in her honor. The villages of Tora sent their best and brightest. Such a tournament had never been seen among Tiger’s clan. The combat was fierce and it was said that Tiger came down from Getsu to watch his children prove themselves. When it was over, Mifune had selected her apprentice.”

“Her selection was not the winner,” Hanzo said matter of factly.

Nakamatsu looked up from his work for the first time, his wide eyes seeming to view Hanzo in a new light. “Why would you think such a thing, Cub Killer?” Nakamatsu asked before returning to his work.

“Mifune and her apprentice would go before Tiger. Tora is strong and proud, but Tiger is stronger, prouder,” Hanzo answered. “Above all, her apprentice would need humility. A trait in short supply among Tora. Yet, humility is easily taught by defeat.”

Nakamatsu snickered at Hanzo’s jab at the Tora, but continued with his tale.

“You are correct. She took as her apprentice the madoushi that finished second. She taught him the ways of the artificer, the secrets of the forge and the powder. Mifune knew that she should not go before Tiger without a gift. She discovered the Kitsune clan held one of Tiger’s kami children captive. This spirit was not as strong as Tiger’s other children, delighting in cunning and discovery, with little use for ferocity. Mifune tasked her apprentice with freeing the captive spirit and convincing it to return with him.”

“But when Mifune’s apprentice had freed the spirit, it did not want to return. It had been captive too long, and needed to be free to again discover. Yet Mifune’s apprentice was clever. He spoke to the spirit of his newly learned artificer skills. He showed the spirit the flash powder, and told the spirit of the famed Tora forges. The spirit was intrigued, and told Mifune’s apprentice it would return home with him.”

“Mifune knew the time had come for herself, her apprentice, and the spirit, to go before Tiger at the top of Getsu. Old age had all but overtaken Mifune, and as she gathered her meager belongings, she knew this trip would be her last. Word of her trip spread to other clans, and many sought to finally defeat Tora’s greatest leader before she reached the mountaintop. Theirs was a trip wrought with peril and combat.”

“Atop Getsu, Mifune, her apprentice, and the kami stood before Tiger and asked him to join Tora, as the oni of the other clans had been joined. Mifune offered the gifts of his kami child’s freedom, the cunning of her apprentice, and the strength of their battle to reach the top of Getsu to Tiger. Yet Tiger would not concede to fight for Tora, being too proud. Mifune had anticipated Tiger’s response, and asked instead if he would allow the newly freed kami to fight with Tora? At this Tiger laughed, asking Mifune why Tora would want to fight alongside his weakest kami child?”

Mifune answered Tiger saying, “Great Tiger, Tora has ways to make this kami stronger. Let our forges strengthen his fur, let our steel be his claws.”

Tiger was intrigued by Mifune’s offer. He told her to show him of what she spoke. Mifune and her apprentice created a forge atop Getsu. There they built a mighty suit of armor and a great blade, working into their creations all her secrets of her artificing. Tiger was pleased with the artificer’s creation and called forth the kami Mifune’s apprentice had freed. With a great roar, Tiger savaged the kami with his mighty claws, shattering the spirit into hundreds of flame-red gems.

Tiger then spoke to Mifune saying, “Take what was weak, and now make it strong. Take one of the gems before you and place it within your creation. Artificer Mifune, know that you have pleased Tiger with your service to Tora. But now you grow weak, and there is no place for weakness with Tiger. Give of your remaining strength to your creation and clan Tora will forever be mighty.”

Mifune knew what Tiger asked of her. That night she bid farewell to her apprentice before spending the evening forging some of her essence into each of the gems Tiger had made, until at last there was only one left, the one within her creation. Near to death, Mifune took the last gem within the chest of her iron-armored behemoth in shaking hands and gave to it her last breath. Tiger was so impressed with Mifune’s final act of strength and sacrifice that he carried her body to a sacred resting place deep within Getsu, to be forever warmed by the fires of Kagejima.

When Mifune’s apprentice returned to clan Tora, behind him stomped a giant of strong and deadly form, carrying a load of flame-red stones. Mifune’s apprentice set up his forge within this very village all those years ago, and from that day hence, we, the Artificers of Tora have created the vessels of our oni and the custodians of flame-stones that power them. It is the Artificers that keep the tale of Mifune and her sacrifice alive.

“We Artificers know the true power of fire, Cub Killer,” Nakamatsu said as he stood from his forge. “For even among our oni, beings of strength and ferocity, their true power is but a small stone within. Sometimes it is the smallest fires that have the greatest strength. Fire can destroy when it rages, but as the coals of the forge, it can shape and create. As the embers of the hearth, it can give warmth, and sustain life. It is only when one truly understands this, that they may gain mastery of fire.”

The artificer handed Hanzo a charm of simple iron, etched with the symbols of fire and mountain. Set in the center was a small flame-red stone that seemed to pulse with a gentle light. “Tell her grace the Tora have fulfilled their obligation to her, and to you, Cub Killer.”

Hanzo wrapped the charm around his scabbard before bowing to Nakamatsu and taking his leave of the sweltering forge.

The Tale of Water[]

Moonlight glistened off the shimmering backs of thousands of orchid crabs crowding the beach outside the small Ika village of Hagu. An enthusiastic rhythm was being pounded out on taiko drums from the village, mixing with the celebratory sounds of the villagers enjoying the festival being held in honor of the crabs’ mating season. The seaside air had a jocund feel. Once a year the creatures would march upon the shores in droves, spindly legs carrying their five-pointed purple bodies here and there in search of a mate, causing the entire beach to look as if it wriggled and writhed. Soon the celebration would culminate in the entire village marching down to the beach as one, with huge baskets. As a village, they would fill their baskets with the crabs for their cook pots and feast for days to come.

Hanzo picked his way through the mass of crustaceans carefully so as not to step on any, no small task for any but the most dexterous.

“Spirits guide you to a mate, little crabs,” Hanzo thought to himself as he made his way to the rowboat at the end of the village dock. “May you know some happiness before the end comes.”

Once in the boat, the ninja rowed for the boxy hull of a single ship adrift off the coast. From how high she sat atop the water Hanzo could tell she was nearly empty. Her square sails were taken in, and a single torch burned upon her deck. The ship was to be the meeting place for the next person on his list, the famed privateer captain, Akkorokamui.

“Well met, Hatori Hanzo,” Akkorokamui called out from the ship as Hanzo pulled his rowboat alongside the ship. “You have been granted permission to come aboard this night.” With that, a rope was lowered and Hanzo quickly made his way up the side of the hull and on to the foredeck.

On deck, Akkorokamui stat cross-legged, hands on his hips. The blades of his signature anchor-shaped kusarigama came off the reaver’s back like steel wings. Akkorokamui watched Hanzo intently with his one good eye for a moment before indicating for Hanzo to sit.

Akkorokamui produced a bottle of sake and two battered cups, placing them before himself and Hanzo. As he poured he spoke, “A tale told is a favor owed?”

“On my word,” Hanzo replied sincerely.

“The word of a traitor?” Akkorokamui said neutrally.

“As worthy as the word of a pirate,” Hanzo was quick to reply.

Akkorokamui sat quietly for a moment before suddenly issuing forth a laugh that came from his stomach, causing his broad chest to rise and fall. “Tis true, tis true, “ Akkorokamui said wiping a jovial tear from his eye and offering Hanzo a cup of sake.

“You would know the ways of water, as those of Ika do?” Akkorokamui pulled deeply from his cup after he spoke. “And so you are sent to me by her Highness, to hear the tale of Hokusai Yasuharu, Ika of legend. As you know, my people are a closed people. I relay this tale, but know now, you are sworn to keep it for yourself alone.”

“I do swear it,” Hanzo promised.

“Very well then,” Akkorokamui poured himself another cup of sake, seemingly unconcerned that Hanzo had yet to drink his. “Ika was not always so secluded. During the reign of the third Moon Queen, Ika’s ships numbered many among the seas around Kagejima. It was said there was not a beach in Kagejima one could stand upon that did not have squid sails seen off in the distance. During that time the other clans were confined to land, but Ika was free upon the waters. Like the water we rode upon, we surrounded Kagejima. Such a time of wonders I would like to have seen. I wonder how Akkorokamui would stack up to those Ika captains of old, eh?” Akkorokamui chuffed at his own jest.

“During this time of great deeds, Ika had grown so great that it became difficult for our clansmen to make a name for themselves among their peers. One Ika kaiken by the name of Hokusai Yasuharu, wanted to be recognized and raised to Captain, so he told his fellow sailors he would walk into the Moon Palace unseen and steal the greatest treasure in the palace.” The audacity of the plan Akkorokamui spoke of excited the reaver and he expressed as much with a loud slap upon his knee.

“Hokusai traveled to the Moon Palace, and for a year and a month, watched those that came and went within the palace. The guards, the advisors, the petitioners, he studied them all. For you see Hanzo, patience is the way of water. Oh sure, those monkey-ninja in the north will tell you that patience is a trait of earth,” Akkorokamui pulled down his mask to spit at the mention of the Yamazaru, displaying some deeper enmity Hanzo was not aware of. “But they confuse inactivity with patience. Water is patient, water is accommodating. See how the rivers slowly wind and bend through Kagejima. Each day their water laps on the shores, carving into it, deeper and deeper. Yet the assault is gradual and gentle, and all the while the earth does not know it is in a battle and losing ground—” Akkorokamui stopped suddenly. “Earth! Losing ground!” the captain begun his belly laugh anew.

Hanzo enjoyed Akkorokamui’s jests, yet already he could hear the villagers making their way to the beaches to harvest the orchid crabs. In a short time the festival would reach its conclusion and Akkorokamui’s men would be returning to their ship. It would not do if Hanzo were aboard it, as Hanzo doubted that even Akkorokamui could hold off his crew from the hefty reward some of the wealthy Ika merchants had placed upon his head. “Did this Hokusai do as he boasted?” Hanzo asked Akkorokamui, trying to bring him around again to the tale. “Did he march into the Palace unseen and take the greatest treasure?”

“Aye! He did!” Akkorokamui continued, draining his cup. “He flowed like the stream, past guard and servant, until he was within the great vault of the Moon Palace. Once inside, atop a pedestal all its own, Hokusai found an amulet of opal and whitest jade that was shaped like the moon.”

“Surely this is important,” Hokusai thought. “It shall make me famous among Ika when I return with such a treasure,” Akkorokamui‘s shoulders raised, and his voice gained bravado as he spoke the inner monologue of the Ika hero of the past.

“Over time Hokusai discovered that what he held was far more dangerous and powerful than he could imagine. For with this amulet one could change the cycle of the moon itself, and in doing so, alter the tides of the sea around Kagejima. The youthful Hokusai did not understand the full scope of his tampering. He would use the amulet to always give his ships favorable tides. His raids became legendary, and his success saw him rising through the ranks of Ika quickly, eventually becoming the youngest captain in Ika history. Hokusai continued to use the amulet to better the other captains of Ika, becoming the greatest among the Ika. Most of clan Ika, inspired by the heights Hokusai had attained, joined the young captain and no longer paid deference to the will of the Moon Court. You see Hanzo, this is the danger of water. Too often it will build and build, like the power of Hokusai, until it can no longer be contained. It must break free. And in doing so, washes away everything, leaving destruction in its wake.”

“Kagejima suffered as Hokusai rose, for the constant change to the cycle of the moon caused the seas to roil, and great tsunamis began to strike the shores. The other clans, whose powers are also influenced by the moon, sent emissaries to Hokusai, pleading with the young captain to stop interfering with the natural order of Kagejima. Hokusai, in an attempt to mass even greater power, would counter with the offer that if the clans would serve him, we would be willing to alter the cycle of the moon to favor them when they stood against Hokusai’s enemies. In a short time, Hokusai commanded the largest fleet in the history of Ika combined with the armies of the clans upon the shores of Kagejima. Hokusai’s military power rivaled that of the Moon Queen herself.

The Moon Queen had tried to avoid conflict, but had no choice. Kagejima was in upheaval. The seas swelled and threatened to swallow the island and the spirits cried out for something to be done. So, she gathered all those who had not joined with Hokusai, including the remaining few loyal captains of Ika, and challenged Hokusai to a mighty battle of land and sea.”

“Hokusai, eager to prove himself the greatest among those of Kagejima, and superior in front of the Moon Queen, accepted eagerly. The night before the battle was to begin, Hokusai stood on the beach outside the Moon Palace and rallied his forces. He held the moon amulet aloft, promising that with it he would deliver victory to his allies. Yet, no sooner had Hokusai raised the amulet that six images appeared, all of the Moon Queen, encircling him. As one they lept to take the amulet from Hokusai. Hokusai tried to prevent the taking of his pilfered treasure, but when he struck at the images they would dissipate like mist, only to reappear. He had no way of knowing which was the real Moon Queen. As one, the images swarmed on Hokusai a final time, then were gone, and with them the moon amulet,” Akkorokamui leaned forward at the waist holding Hanzo intent in his gaze.

“This is the final lesson of water, Hanzo,” Akkorokamui’s voice grew serious and he made no move to refill his cup a fourth time. “Be it tsunami, torrential downpour, or flash flood, water strikes unexpectedly, and with unstoppable force. The Moon Queen knew the ways of water, as she knows the way of all of the elements, and she used it against Hokusai.”

“What became of Hokusai?” Hanzo asked. He could already hear the celebration dying down as villagers returned to their homes. Akkorokamui‘s crew would be returning shortly.

“Hokusai had amassed great power, but he knew he would be no match for the combined might of Kagejima without the amulet. He came before the queen with humility, telling her that he was honor-bound to accept the challenge if she still offered it. Yet he would take no pleasure in the combat that would ensue. Hokusai recognized that his actions had done enough to hurt Kagejima, and he wanted no further part in pitching the Moon Kingdom into further turmoil. The Moon Queen, masterful in the ways of diplomacy, reached a compromise with Hokusai, allowing them both to save face.”

“That very evening, under the light of the full moon, she made two decrees. Her first decree was to punish Ika. If Ika, like water, was allowed to gather their allies and ambition, eventually they would swell and break free of their bounds, as Captain Hokusai had. Because of this, she decreed that Ika should remain among Ika, as they understood the temptations of amassing power, and could police each other. Her second decree was to honor Hokusai. Hokusai’s pilfering of the amulet proved him to be a superior raider and procurer of protected goods. From that day forward, the Moon Kingdom would issue a charter to Hokusai and his line, sanctioning their privateering.”

His tale concluded, Akkorokamui rose from the deck, the chain of his anchor-shaped blade rattling gently. Hanzo stood as well, presenting the offered sake and downing it a single gulp.

“The tale was well told, a favor is owed,” Hanzo said, nodding to the famed reaver.

“Aye, it is,” Akkorokamui nodded his assent, “but not by the likes of you. It is not everyday a captain has a favor from Her Grace that can be called in. Whatever you are up to, it must be important.”

Hanzo bowed respectfully before making his way back to the side of the ship where his rowboat waited.

“Akkorokamui,“ Hanzo said, leaping atop the ship’s rail and grabbing the rope to make his descent. “Your anchorblade, it is so unique. I mean no disrespect, but I must ask, how do you fight with such a thing?”

“Very well, Hatori Hanzo,” Akkorokamui said with a wink of his only eye. With that, the privateer made his way below deck, singing an ancient song of sailors and the sea.

As Hanzo rowed back toward the beach he found himself keeping time with Akkorokamui‘s tune.


As Hanzo made his way north he found himself eager for the first time in a long time. The steep winding path he now traversed through granite hills afforded him a view of the scraggly pines and plains below. The life of a traitor is one almost entirely bereft of friends. Yet the next name on Hanzo’s list was one that the ninja knew well, and it had been far too long since last their paths had crossed.

A chill wind brought with it the smell of snow. Hanzo pulled his cloak tighter about him, trying not to be buffeted from the narrow path along the hillside. The trip ahead was arduous, and Hanzo was not sure where Kunimasa was, but no prey had yet escaped the Moon Princess’s Wayward Hunting Hawk.


The Sagas of Hanzo are organized play leagues created for the Ninja All-Stars miniature board game. The leagues will be released in four parts, each telling the story of the ronin, Hanzo, on his quest to gain mastery over all the elements of Kagejima, and locate the famed weaponsmith Korehira Kunimasa. These leagues are designed to run over six challenges per saga (three per tale), with each saga being its own league, for up to eight players.

The full rules for Ninja All-Stars leagues can be found on pages 68-71 of the Ninja All-Stars rulebook. The First Saga of Hanzo uses all of the rules referenced within those pages with the following exceptions:

Ninja Master: Although a Ninja Master is not needed to play through a saga, it is still highly recommended.


The player whose ninja team has the highest team rating after having played all six challenges is the winner of the saga and gets the Golden Ninja unless your league uses playoffs (see below). If players wish to play more than the six games they should discuss that with their league’s Ninja Master, if they have one, or enter a second team into the saga, if room permits. All players who complete the challenges for a specific tale should get the Hanzo alternate card with mastery of the same element as the name of the tale.

Playoffs: If more than one team is tied for the highest rating, or if the league chooses, the saga can conclude in playoffs. Playoffs should last no more than a week, and we recommend having them as a one-day event where everyone in the league can attend (We also recommend ample amounts of your favorite food, beverages, and nachos.)

The playoffs should use a simple seeding system of lowest rated team plays highest rated team in single elimination games each round. Playoffs should have as many rounds as necessary (though no more than three rounds in an eight-person league) to determine a winner. The winner of the playoffs is the last ninja team standing after all others have been eliminated in previous playoff rounds.

In the case of using playoffs as a tiebreaker, play a single elimination game among the teams with highest rating.

In the case of an odd number of teams in the playoffs, the highest rated team should get a bye. The team with the bye does not have to play in the first round of the playoffs, instead playing the lowest ranked team that makes it into the second round. In the case of there being a tie for top ranking when determining which team gets the bye, have each chunin on the tied teams make an opposed affinity test. The winning chunin earns their team a bye. Challenges for each playoff round should be determined by using the Random Challenge Generator on page 73 of the Ninja All-Stars rulebook. Each round is treated like a game within the league, so Koban and experience should be earned and spent. Downtime rolls are made between rounds as well, so you could potentially lose some of your ninja for the next round of the playoffs. If after a playoff round your team rating changes, your original team rating should still be used for the next round of seeding.

The team that wins the playoffs wins the saga and the Golden Ninja trophy.


Within each saga, challenges will be listed with their appropriate tale. Rules for setting up and playing the challenges are the same as those used in Ninja All-Stars rulebook with the following exceptions:

Initiative: Initiative in the challenges for each saga should be determined by an opposed affinity test. This test can be taken by any clan or shrine ninja, as well as any model with the Hero or Sensei special rules.

Tale of Fire or Tale of Water Rules: These rules will be an addition or change to the usual rules of the challenges found in the Ninja All-Stars rulebook. These rules are only for the specific challenge they are listed in, and are not used in other challenges within the saga.


1. BRAWL P. 75.[]

Artificer Mifune knew humility was key to dealing with Tiger, and that it had a place even among the Tora. Humility is easiest to teach by defeat. Time for your lesson!

Tale of Fire, Choosen of Mifune: Each player should keep track of the number of times their own madoushi, or Hanzo if he is on their team, is Injured. At the conclusion of the sixth round, when the game is over, but before determining the winner, the team with the lowest points may have each madoushi, and/or Hanzo, make an affinity test for each time they were Injured. For every affinity test passed, the controlling player receives one point. Determine the challenge winner based off the new points total.

Effects that prevent a model from being Injured do not count towards the model’s injury total at the end of the game.


As in Mifune’s day, a radical Kitsune clan village is holding lesser kami of fire captive. Free them by escorting them away from the village and gain the favor of fire.

Tale of Fire, Kitsune Sentries: Instead of the samurai sentries this challenge calls for, the sentries in this challenge are of the Kitsune clan, and there are only four. Use three of the spirit shrine kaiken and one chunin, or four Kitsune clan kaiken if you have them, to represent the sentries. The sentries have the same stats as the Kitsune kaiken listed on page 36, only they have the Poisoned Weapon special ability.


Escort a venerable clan member of great import to the top of Getsu as Mifune’s apprentice once did. Hope for glorious battle so that you may offer your strength and valor to Tiger when you reach the top.

Tale of Fire, Wiles and Woes of Age: Any model selected as the messenger is at -1 MOV and -1 ATT, however they gain insight and craftiness as befitting a lifetime of combat experience and are treated as having the Nimble special rule. If a model already has Nimble they do not gain any benefit from gaining the ability a second time.


1. SEARCH P. 76[]

Hokusai snuck into the Moon Palace’s treasury without ever being seen. Let’s see what you can do.

Tale of Water, Clear as a Brook: Every kaiken model, and/or Hanzo if on a team, that maintains the Stealth that they started the challenge with scores additional points as follows:

  • Stealth maintained until beginning of 7th round: 1 point
  • Stealth maintained until beginning of 8th round: 2 points
  • Stealth maintained until beginning of 9th round: 3 points
  • Stealth maintained until the end of the Challenge: 5 points

The points are not cumulative over each round, so you only take the highest points applicable. These points can be scored by every kaiken model and/or Hanzo who maintains their Stealth from the beginning of the challenge.


Hokusai was not content to rise to power above the clans lesser than Ika. He desired to stand as the greatest among even his own. If you will do as Hokusai, then fight your way to the aft deck, that all here may see you stand victorious at the wheel!

Tale of Water, Paragon: Select a chunin model with the Hero rule, or Hanzo if he is on your team, that you control. The model’s controlling player gains one point every time the selected model injures an enemy model. The selected model’s controlling playing gains an additional point if the injured model and the selected model are the same clan/shrine. In the case of Hanzo, he counts as the same clan/shrine as the chunin on his team. All other ronin do not count as having a clan or shrine.

If the selected model leaves the board, the controlling player cannot gain any points from this rule until their selected model is back on the board.


The Moon Queen laid low her enemy at the height of his power with a clever theft. Let’s see if it works for our girls, too!

Tale of Water, Girl Power!: When an enemy medal is picked up by a kunoichi, the kunoichi may immediately be placed in any unoccupied space adjacent to the space that contained the enemy medal, ignoring other models’ influence zones and terrain. If a player has the Moon Princess on their team, and she picks up an enemy medal, she can immediately be placed in an unoccupied space within two spaces of the space that contained the enemy medal, ignoring other models’ influence zones and terrain.
