Once, the Reaver tribes of the Frostbyte Reach were a scourge across all of Crytalia. Building great longships, the Reavers raided along every coastline of Crystalia. Before the rise of the Dark Consul, the tribes united under the powerful and charismatic Reaver King Elrik the tribes followed his plundering raids. They would follow his ambition into madness and join him in servitude as his eternal guard in undeath.
When Elrik doomed his Reavers to the curse of undeath, he ordered the construction of a grand and macabre hall, to house him and his new warriors, deep beneath the Frostbyte Reach.
Resembling a tomb more than a palace or castle, the Hall of the Lich King sprawls for untold miles beneath the surface. The only sign of the Hall upon the surface are the burial mounds of the cursed barrows. Here, Elrik’s cursed draugr warriors take rest, ever alert for trespassing Heroes.
These halls are home to more than lurching draugr warriors. There is a hierarchy of danger that awaits the curious interlopers, whether they are trying to find shelter from the Reach’s icy storms or hunting for ancient treasures amongst the mounds. First amongst the ghastly denizens are the Black Hand. These were Elrik’s trusted circle of advisors and sages. It was this circle that first tapped into the Dark Realms powers and began the seduction of Elrik that ultimately led to his damnation.
Do not let the heavy footfalls of the Draugr, sluffing along the frozen halls of the Barrow to lead one to believe they are mere unthinking drones, slowed with age and the bitter cold.
No, within each Draugr lies the soul of the ancient reaver he once was. Fierce, proud, and violent to his marrow, the Draugr can unlock this bloody fury, once again feeling, smelling, and tasting. Hardy is the warrior that can stand against a raging berserker determined to find release in one last glorious fight.
- 1x Cursed Barrow Masterclass Miniature (Spawning Point)
- 1x Black Hand Masterclass Miniature
- 1x Draugr Berserker Masterclass Miniature
- 5x Draugr Masterclass Miniatures
- 1x 50mm Black Base
- 6x 25mm Black Bases
- 1x Cursed Barrow Explore Card
- 1x Black Hand Explore Card
- 1x Draugr Berserker Explore Card
- 1x Draugr Explore Card
- 1x Cursed Barrow Arcade Card
- 1x Draugr Berserker Arcade Card
- 1x Order of the Black Hand Arcade Card
Errata: On explore and Arcade Cursed Barrow cards "5 Draugrs" not "4 Draugrs" as the first prints had.