The ground trembles and shakes with each step of the mightiest of all rocktops, the Testudo Tower! The biggest and coolest of all rocktop crushers, Testudo Tower rules the rough and rocky caverns beneath the Dragonback Peaks. Easily seduced by the allure of flashy trinkets, and determined to keep up with the latest fashion trends, the Testudo Tower happily sells his services to the highest bidder.
Explore Stats
- Type: Rocktop Dungeon Boss
- Crystal Affinity: Sapphire
- Abilities: Immune: All, Bulldozer, Sturdy
- Unique Actions: Turtle Tosser, Shell Shock, Booming Bombards
- Movement Points: 4
- Action Points: 4
- Strength: 1W 3R (Melee: 2)
- Armour: 2W 2R 1G (Defense)
- Willpower: 3B
- Dexterity: 2B
- Hearts: 8
- Skull Points: 4
- Monster Platform: Super
Boss Spawn
Out of Your Shell: Replace each Turtle Shell model on the dungeon with a Rocktop model from the spawning pool with a skull value of 2 or less.
Rock Up: All Rocktops Immune: Status Effects
Time Out
Bumper Shell: Make a Melee Attack against Every Hero in the dungeon, regardless of its location. Any model which is wounded must discard one equipped equipment card.
Arcade Stats

- Type: Rocktop Dungeon Boss
- Crystal Affinity: Sapphire
- Abilities: Immune: All, Bulldozer, Sturdy
- Signature Action: Shell Shock
- Unique Actions: Booming Bombards
- Movement Points: 4
- Action Points: 4
- Strength: 5W
- Armour: 5W
- Range: 4
- Hearts: 10
Explore Mode
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Arcade Mode
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