Super Dungeon: Arena is an alternative game mode for players to use with their existing collection of Super Dungeon models. In Arena, two players each take control of a mighty warband consisting of one Hero, one mini-boss, two spawning points, and the spawning points’ associated monsters. These warbands then do battle against one another in a challenge known as a scenario. Each scenario has its own unique rules and victory conditions, which require a warband to use its abilities and strengths in new and clever ways.
Super Dungeon: Arena includes a beautifully illustrated rulebook, an intricately detailed double-sided game board, an Arena Champion model, and numerous cards, tokens and dice for players to battle it out head-to-head. As players construct their own warbands from any combination of Super Dungeon models or from a single warband box, Arena promises to be an exciting experience each time.
Super Dungeon introduced the world to the whimsy and charm of chibi-miniature board games inspired by classic video games, and it continues to be the leader in providing a fun and lighthearted family board game experience. Strongly supported with dozens of expansions which provide new Heroes, monsters, dungeon tiles, and gameplay options, Super Dungeon: Arena is sure to be fun, new edition for longtime fans and new fans of Super Dungeon!
42 Treasure Cards[]
- Amethyst Longarm
- Arcadian Dervish
- Arena Champion Belt
- Bejeweled Torque
- Binding Contract
- Blackblade Halberd
- Chain Gauntlets
- Challenger's Moxy
- Champion Plate
- Changeling Cloak
- Cloak of Brambles
- Coven Cloak
- Coward's Ring
- Dagger of Ill Intent
- Deeproot Robe
- Diamond Brawler
- Double-Cross Doublet
- Fallen Fury
- Fennek Charm
- Fennek War Crown
- First Order Regalia
- Flameburst
- Frostbyte Blade
- Grand Orc Armbands
- Hammer Brooch
- Heroic Spear
- Ice Breaker
- Kitty Cat Charm
- Moon Bow
- Phoenix Call
- Pure Heart Pendant
- Rift Blade
- Royal Cloak
- Ruby Rocket
- Shield Ring
- Soulblaze Armor
- Soulblaze Bracers
- Staff of Spring
- The Merciful
- Unbreakable
- Viper Chain
- Vitamin Supplement
52 Loot Cards[]
- Acolyte Robe
- 2x Amethyst Amulet
- 2x Arcanist Armor
- 2x Arcanist Bracers
- 2x Arena Plate
- Binary Defense
- Binary Offense
- 2x Brawler's Knife
- 2x Celestian Hammer
- Citrine Ring
- Clockwork Rifle
- Dark Scimitar
- Elven Circlet
- Emerald Ring
- Feathered Cloak
- Freyjan War Paws
- 2x Gnarled Staff
- 2x Guard's Spear
- Hawk Bow
- 2x Heart Blade Pendant
- 2x Honed Blade
- 2x Leather Jerkin
- Lucky Gold Piece
- 2x Masterwork Bow
- Masterwork Crossbow
- Mysterious Traveler's Cloak
- 2x Pickpocket Gloves
- 2x Platemail Bikini
- Poor Man's Heart
- 2x Potion Bandolier
- Sacrificial Dagger
- 2x Shadows Wings
- Single Shot
- Soldier's Halberd
- Sorcerous Hood
- Training Robe
2 Backpack Cards[]
7 Tile Effect Cards[]
- Chasm
- Lava
- Difficult Terrain
- Goddess
- Champion
- Brambles
- Structure
- 1x 4 Tile Double-sided Arena Game Board
- Full Color Arcade Mode Rulebook
- Sheet of Gameplay Tokens
- 4 Scenario Reference Cards
- 2 Player Turn Reference Cards
- SD:Tactics promo card
- Arena Champion PVP Arena promo card
- 16 Dice: 2 Emerald, 6 Ruby, and 8 Sapphire