The Dark Tower's shadow stretches across the whole of Crystalia and is a bleak reminder of the Consul's strength and power. Vandella represents a more subtle aspect of the Consul's power, the power to corrupt and beguile. She delights in tormenting her prey and sowing chaos within even the most steadfast Hero's heart.
Explore Stats[]

- Type: Demon Mini-Boss
- Crystal Affinity: Ruby
- Abilities: Fly
- Unique Actions: Alluring, Breathtaking Kiss, Come Hither
- Movement Points: 7
- Action Points: 3
- Strength: 1B 1R (Melee: 1)
- Armour: 2B (Defense)
- Willpower: 3B 1R (Magic: 6)
- Dexterity: 3R (Defense)
- Hearts: 5
- Skull Points: 4
- Monster Platform: Super
Arcade Stats[]
- Type: Demon Mini-Boss
- Crystal Affinity: Ruby
- Abilities: Fly
- Signature Action: Breathtaking Kiss
- Unique Actions: Come Hither
- Movement Points: 7
- Action Points: 2
- Strength: 3W
- Armour: 4W
- Range: 4
- Hearts: 6
Explore Mode[]
The transfer from 1st edition to Forgotten King nerfed Vandella in terms of ability variety, but her remaining abilities have strengthened and she has gained more health. While in arcade mode Vandella acts as a hero magnet, making it harder for heroes to avoid getting swarmed by other monsters. In explore mode Vandella allows to dark consul player to manipulate the heroes formations with Come Hither, to avoid all those aura stacking buffs. Vandella also holds her own ground better with Breathtaking Kiss & Alluring, as Hex makes it harder for heroes to hit her Dex, and her health recovery [that few monsters have at all] both damages heroes and gains a bonus red die which makes it more likely to hit.
Additional info[]
That pretty much sums her up.
Vs Super[]
While her actions are impressive, she only has enough AP for one of them per phase. Poison does not prevent her from using either one, but it can limit the number of basic WILL attacks she can make(as opposed to three, or one and a special action). Another thing to notice is that both Alluring and Breathtaking Kiss have a range of 1. So long as she is inflicted with Knockdown or Slow, and with some good stats, the party can make quick work of her before she can even get a chance to heal.