Superdungeonexplore Wiki
Superdungeonexplore Wiki

The original Super Dungeon Explore had 12 status effects, many of which saw little use or were very similar in effect. Sodapop Miniatures decided to streamline the status effects, bringing the total down to seven, so that there are not quite as many to remember and so that each one feels distinct and useful. Immobile was added back in SDE:2.0. Status effects no longer used after SDE:1.0 are Bind, Choke, Fragile, Pacify, Stun, and Weak.

Status effects are negative effects that cause a model to suffer a disadvantage. Status effects are typically caused by actions. When this is the case, the model only suffers the status effect if the action was successful. When a model suffers a status effect, place the appropriate status effect token on the model’s card. The model suffers the effect until the token is removed, at which point the effects immediately end.

A model may suffer multiple status effects but may only ever have one of the same type. Status effects are listed on the back cover for easy reference. Note that a model with a status effect listed in its abilities causes the effect when completing a successful offensive action, it does not suffer the effect. (Unless caused by another game effect!)

Ending Status Effects by version:[]

SDE: 1.0 A model with a status effect counter suffers its effects at all times until the counter is removed. When a model gains a heart, they may choose to remove a status effect counter from their card instead of removing a wound counter.

SDE:FK Status effects last until removed by using a heart or other ability.

SDE: 2.0 At the end of a model’s activation remove all status effect tokens from it. 

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