Each character in the game is defined at the most basic level by their Statistics. The character's statistics are displayed on the card and are as follows:
- Movement Points: one point = one square in movement
- Action Points: Spend to perform Basic or Unique Actions
- Attack Icons: Melee use STR, Magic use WILL, Missiles use DEX
- STR (Strength)
- Defense Icon: Attribute with a defense icon may be used when making a defense roll
- ARM (Armor)
- WILL (Willpower)
- DEX (Dexterity)
- Hearts
- Potion Quantity (Heroes): the maximum number of potion tokens a Hero may have.
- Skull Points (Monsters): The Number of Skull points the model is worth. Skull points help to determine how many monsters the Consul may activate on his turn.
- Affinity: the Crystal the model has Affinity with. Sapphire, Ruby, Citrine, Emerald
- Abilities: Special Abilities model possesses
- Unique Actions: Actions only the model may use. Red Offensive, Blue Support, Green Potion only on Consul'd turn! (Heroes Only)
- Platform: Start, 8-Bit, 16-Bit, Affects spawn time (Monster Only)