The Dark energies of the Midnight Tower are so overwhelming and pervasive that even thoughts can be given life. The Tower seethes with living nightmares, fears, and spiteful intentions born from the minds of its inhabitants, and even Heroes themselves.
Explore Stats

- Type: Construct, Creep
- Crystal Affinity: Ruby
- Abilities: Fly
- Unique Actions: Dark Energy
- Movement Points: 7
- Action Points: 1
- Strength: 0W
- Armor: 0W (Defense)
- Will: 2B
- Dex: 1B
- Hearts: 1
- Skull Points: 0
- Monster Platform: 8-bit
Arcade Stats

- Type: Construct, Creep
- Crystal Affinity: Ruby
- Abilities: Fly
- Unique Actions: Dark Energy
- Movement Points: 7
- Action Points: 1
- Strength: 1W
- Armor: 0 (Defense)
- Range: 4
- Hearts: 1
Explore Mode
[Insert Tips for Play]
Arcade Mode
[Insert Tips for Play]
Note: Current plans these Creeps do not have models, but that was during the SD:Legends KS. They may at this point remodel the Spiteful Cherub Time will tell.