Vengeance, guide my black arrows, pierce the hearts of the warm and the living, deliver unto me the victory over my enemies stolen from me in life. - unknown Yurei Yajiri
- Type: Arcade Gang, Elite
- Crystal Affinity: Amethyst
- Action Points: 1 / 1
- Strength: 3W / 3W
- Range: 8 / 8
- Spawning Point: Yurei Madoushi
- Type: Yurei, Undead, Elite
- Ability: Dragged to the Depths
- Unique Action: Jigoku's Arrow
- Movement Points: 4
- Hearts: 2
- Armour: 2W
- Type: Yurei, Undead, Elite
- Ability: Dragged to the Depths
- Unique Action: Jigoku's Arrow
- Movement Points: 4
- Hearts: 2
- Armour: 2W
Explore Mode[]
[Insert Tips for Play]
Arcade Mode[]
[Insert Tips for Play]