Superdungeonexplore Wiki

Spiker life is short and brutal. Most die from being thrown at Heroes at high velocities or being fed to The Guth’s hogs (or The Guth himself). Surprisingly, there is never any shortage of volunteers to serve as a Spiker. They’re definitely not forced into the role by the bigger orcs and goblins. It’s an honor to serve The Guth. They absolutely, positively, 100% want to be a Spiker. Seriously.

No one ever looked at goblins and thought, now there is a terrifying creature. But there is not a dry pair of pants in the party when that goblin shows up with his friends.

Topically speaking, the endless hordes of greenskins at The Guth's beck and call are ferocious, but their true power comes in numbers. Grabbing weapons, hanging on shields, and biting ankles, these Spikers can be a nuisance with some real punch.

Spikers make up a special kind of creep that all adventurers should be wary of. Don’t let them gather in large numbers, or you will never again see the light of day.

Explore Stats

Card Creep Spiker 2


Arcade Stats

Card Arcade Creep Spiker 2



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