Spiders have a natural affinity with darkness and shadow. Many of the fiendish varieties which call the Nether Rifts and Dark Realm home grow to remarkable sizes and can possess a startling intellect. The nether elves strike bargains with spider nests’ Queens, and in exchange for their aid the spiders are granted their choice of hunting grounds and provided with protection from various heroic attempts at extermination.
To be released, Subject to change
Explore Stats
- Type: Spawning Point
- Crystal Affinity: Emerald
- Abilities: Immune: Status Effects, Webs
- Armour: 1W (Defense)
- Hearts: 3
- Spawning Pool
- 1x Spider Nest (Spawning Point)
- 1x Spider Speaker
- 3x Crawler
- 3x Shadow Spinner
- Monster Platform: Start
Arcade Stats
- Type: Spawning Point
- Crystal Affinity: Emerald
- Abilities: Immune: Status Effects, Webs
- Armour: 1W (Defense)
- Hearts: 3
- Spawning Pool
- 1x Spider Nest (Spawning Point)
- 1x Spider Speaker
- 3x Crawler
- 3x Shadow Spinner
Explore Mode
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Arcade Mode
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