Old wives tales say that whenever a tear is shed a Sorrow is born. Glowing softly in the mists, Sorrows float silently, moving to a gentle lullaby only they can hear. However, when they sense grief their languid motion becomes a frenzy. Darting and diving they swirl around the source of grief, ghostly faery fire lancing into the victim, intensifying their woe - birthing new Sorrows. The frenzy only stopping when the victim sheds its last tear.
- Type: Faerie Elite
- Crystal Affinity: Ruby
- Abilities: Fly
- Unique Actions: Weep
- Movement Points: 6
- Action Points: 1
- Strength: 0W
- Armor: 0W (Defense)
- Willpower: 2B 1R (Magic:6)
- Dexterity: 3B
- Hearts: 1
- Skull Points: 1
- Monster Platform: 8-Bit
- Spawning Point: Salt Pillar
The full reason of the Sorrow is for Weep: if the Sorrow inflicts a Wound it spawns another Sorrow adjacent to that model. They also have Fly and aren't super-weak, but struggle to inflict reliable Wounds - and those extra Sorrows are often just more Loot to the Heroes.