Superdungeonexplore Wiki

The Shi are a species as ancient as Crystalia itself. Legends say that Ameratsu’s first steps upon Crystalia were taken with the loyal Shi at her side. These luminous creatures’ souls cannot be touched by darkness. They are joyful and playful when among children of light, as they are fierce and terrifying to creatures who dwell in darkness.

Explore Stats

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Arcade Stats


Explore Mode

Get straight into the fight with a Lance attack, Bullrush, or turn your enemies to Mincemeat, lending your strength to attacks to gain Massive Damage and Improved Critical!

For a unique take on blending your abilities, A Monstrous Steed allows you to remove a friendly model (don’t worry, he has mounted the Shi) and add an additional action and a blue dice to strength as a benefit.

Arcade Mode

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