Superdungeonexplore Wiki

Ser Sharpclaw has distinguished himself among lesser kobolds for his savagery in battle. Atop his Wyrmfang Drake, Ravage, he inspires all those around him to new levels of barbarity. Many Heroes have fallen because they have been ill prepared to face the snarling, biting, stabbing mass of rabid kobolds that Ser Sharpclaw leads into battle.

Explore Stats

E1cbdbdbf79cbf818f070776c88dac0d original

Arcade Stats


 NOTICE: The Arcade version has Surefoot, which is now given to all monsters in 2.0. 

Ser Sharpclaw is mobile with Move 8 Surefoot, and has two very nice attacks: Chomp! Crunch! (+1R STR Bane AP2) is better than Onslaught (Lance 3 Push 3 AP2), but both have uses. In addition, he keeps up the theme of Kobolds buffing each other with an Ability, not Action, called Savage (Aura1 +1W STR to Minions). Overall, he's a solid and versatile Mini-boss

Additional Info: The Arcade version gives Ravage an extra two wounds and replaces Onslaught with Zealotry, which is the same as Savage

Vs. Super- One of his weaknesses is his short range of 3, no matter what he does. When fighting Sharpclaw, make sure your party is spread out far apart so he cannot use Onslaught effectively(at least out of his Lance range). Stealth can also force him to move up close to your heroes. Make sure you have good defense, however: he can easily use Chomp! Crunch! in response to either strategy.

As for his stats, there are ways to reduce it. Cerberus can reduce his stars with her potion while some heroes have natual Feint(you can hit much harder if a Feint user drinks it). There are many ways you can inflict Bane on him, but the best one is Hexcast Sorceress/Severina. Her activation would consist of using Broken Bones to make hitting him easier, then seal his actions with Frozen Feet, then spend her last action on a regular attack before protecting her party with Cursed Concoction.  While any method can help, a combination of all three would be very damaging; having a Feint hero with Dark Radiance attack Sharpclaw with Bane is very likely to get a Treasure card in one activation.

Vs. Arcade- The difference between Savage and Zealotry is that the latter can be blocked off with Ice, along with Chomp! Crunch!. Bane and Feint are much better here since they can each reduce his defense, with both of them and Dark Radiance being overkill. Ravage has two more wounds than the SUPER version, so expect to take him out in one phase most of the time.

Consul- Ser Sharpclaw can be paired with a spawning point that either has more than one minions type, or has a bonus for either Citrine or Kobolds. Old-Growth, Claw Shrine and Kobold Warrens each give him a bonus in exchange for only having one type of minion, rewarding the Consul for defending the points(Old-Growth also has Sprout, which loses their Savage bonus upon transformation).

Elemental Shrine has two minions that can benefit from him in addition to Elemental Affinity: Kaiken and Yajiri(which also uses STR). Most clans also have ablilities that compliment the +1 bonus, but keep in mind that unlike the Hidden Shrine, Ser Sharpclaw can only boost the Kaiken.

Finally, if you want to give +1 to almost anyone, almost every monster from Grabby House is a minion. While it may take a few games, this combination is good for players who prefer to go directly on the offensive.

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