There are several different types of events in which warbands compete in Arena. These different types of event are called scenarios. Like the Alternate Game Modes for Explore & Challenges for Ninja All-Stars, each of these game modes replaces the usual Hero victory condition of destroying the boss
warbands must destroy the opposing warband. It’s all-out warfare!
1. Starting with player one, players alternate placing spawning points. Each spawning point must be at least eight squares from another spawning point, friendly or enemy.
2. Starting with player one, players alternate selecting spawning points to spawn monsters from. Place all monsters listed on the spawning point’s card within two squares of the point. If the spawning point is a paired spawning point, the player may place the monsters within two squares of either spawning point. Large-based models must have at least one square within two squares of the spawning point.
3. Starting with player two, players alternate placing Heroes. Heroes must be at least eight squares from enemy spawning points and Hero.
4. Both players roll for initiative using their Hero’s WILL . The player who rolls the most stars gains the first turn. Players alternate turns until one player wins.
Each time a model destroys an enemy model, its warband earns a number of point tokens equal to the skull value of the destroyed model.
Players may win Destruction in one of two different ways:
Earn fifteen point tokens.
Destroy both of the opponent’s spawning points and both the Hero and mini-boss, at least once each.
King of the Hill[]
Warbands attempt to the control the center of the arena by having the most models. The first warband to control the center for five turns wins!
1. Place four control zone tokens in the center of the arena to designate a 4x4 square. The sixteen squares bounded by the tokens are the control zone.
2. Starting with player one, players alternate placing spawning points. Each spawning point must be at least eight squares from another spawning point, friendly or enemy, and at least six squares from the control zone.
3. Starting with player one, players alternate selecting spawning points to spawn monsters from. Place all monsters listed on the spawning point’s card within two squares of the point. If the spawning point is a paired spawning point, the player may place the monsters within two squares of either spawning point, in any combination. Large-based models must have at least one square within two squares of the spawning point.
4. Starting with player two, players alternate placing Heroes. Heroes must be at least eight squares from the enemy spawning points and Hero, and six squares from the control zone.
5. Both players roll for initiative using their Hero’s WILL . The player who rolls the most stars gains the first turn.
Control zone tokens are ignored for all game purposes other than establishing the control zone. If, during their opponent’s power-up phase, a player has more models in the control zone than their opponent, their warband gains one point token.
The first warband to earn five point tokens wins the game.
Crystal Capture[]
Warbands must recover crystals from the opponent’s crystal cluster and return them to their own.
1. Player one places a single crystal cluster token within five squares of any edge of the arena. The token may NOT be placed on a chasm or structure square.
2. Player two places a single crystal cluster token within five squares of the opposite edge of the arena. The token may NOT be placed on a chasm or structure square.
3. Starting with player one, players alternate placing spawning points. Each spawning point must be at least eight squares from another spawning point, friendly or enemy, and at least six squares from the opposing player’s crystal cluster.
4. Starting with player one, players alternate selecting spawning points to spawn monsters from. Place all monsters listed on the spawning point’s card within two squares of the point. If the spawning point is a paired spawning point, the player may place the monsters within two squares of either spawning point. Large-based models must have at least one square within two squares of the spawning point.
5. Starting with player two, players alternate placing Heroes. Heroes must be at least eight squares from the enemy spawning points and Hero, and six squares from the opposing player’s crystal cluster.
6. Both players roll for initiative using their Hero’s WILL . The player who rolls the most stars gains the first turn. Players alternate turns until one player wins.
Crystal Clusters are treated as structure tile effects.
Any model may pick up a crystal token when adjacent to the opposing player’s crystal cluster using the Interact action. Place a crystal token next to the model. That model is now carrying the token. If the model is destroyed, place the crystal token in a square adjacent to the model before removing the model. A friendly model may use the Interact action to pick up the dropped crystal token. A warband may only have one crystal token in play at a time.
When a model carrying a crystal token moves into a square adjacent to a friendly crystal cluster, its warband captures one crystal token and earns one point token. Remove the crystal token from the arena.
The first warband to earn three point tokens wins the game.