Long ago the inhabitants of the Glauerdoom Moor used pumpkins to carve Jack-O-Lanterns to trick the restless spirits of the moor to pass by their homes at night. In time the spirits grew wise to this deception and decided to play a trick of their own. Now pumpkin patches are spooky, haunted, places where the creatures that go bump in the night lurk, waiting for their prey.
Beneath the dark boughs of the Witches' Weald pumpkins grow wild and the orange globes pulse with strange energies as the witch covens practice their own special brand of dark magic - poisons, necromancy, enchantment, curses, no subject is taboo. The covens find great favor with both the Dark Consul and Barn Von Drakk. Both often have need of the witches' unique abilities when dealing with self righteous Heroes who seek to thwart them.
Explore Stats

- Type: Spawning Point
- Crystal Affinity: Ruby
- Abilities: Immune: Status Effects, Gloom Aura
- Armour: 1W (Defense)
- Hearts: 3
- Spawning Pool
- 1x Pumpkin Patch (Spawning Point)
- 1x Crypt Spider
- 2x Curse Coven Witch
- 2x Miserable Toad (Shapeshift)
- 4x Skullbat
- Monster Platform: Start
Arcade Stats
- Type: Spawning Point
- Crystal Affinity: Ruby
- Abilities: Immune: Status Effects, Gloom Aura
- Armour: 1W (Defense)
- Hearts: 3
- Spawning Pool
- 1x Pumpkin Patch (Spawning Point)
- 1x Crypt Spider
- 2x Curse Coven Witch
- 2x Miserable Toad (Shapeshift)
- 4x Skullbat
- Gangs
- Crypt Spider
- Curse Coven Gang
Add Immune: Status Effects icon key definition to card back Errata April 14 2015
Explore Mode
The Pumpkin Patch is, quite simply, one of the meanest single spawn points available. A combination of great Status Effects, Transmogrify, Insignificant Minions, and a Large-base Elite makes it an amazing addition to any Consul's arsenal. Multiple models also attack the WILL stat directly, making them great for disabling tanks.
Its sole weakness is that really only has one model good at combat, the Crypt Spider.
Arcade Mode
[insert tips for play]