Superdungeonexplore Wiki

Even a racing super-star has time to sit down to a game of Super Dungeon Explore. Princess Malya brings her love of speed into the Last Galaxy's favorite online game, zipping through the dungeon at a breakneck pace. Malya slays monsters with glee, but is always willing to lend fellow adventurers a hand with the help of some creation magic.


Hero rc princess malya


Princess Malya is a nimble speed demon with 8 movement points and a DEX of 2 red that she can also use when making defense rolls.

Malya is also a very versatile Hero. Able to use a solid STR of 3 blue and melee range of 2 squares, or tap her DEX with the offensive action Energy Blast for a 8 square range, Burst 1 area effect that hits every model adjacent to her target.

Spark of Life and Mr. Tomn bring support elements to Malya. Spark of Life allows her to heal 1 wound or remove one status effect from a model for only 1 action point. Mr. Tomn is an emergency potion that grants the drinker and Aura 3 that boosts all friendly model's +1 blue ARM. Nice!

First Relic Knights Party

The First Relic Knights Party, or First Knights, consists of the first Relic Knight from five of the title game's six factions(excluding Noh's Kasaro To).

Cerci's speed queen is the Swiss Army knife of the party. She has high Move, can heal for one AP and has a way to deal with multiple enemies.  The other Cyphers can also be used to her advantage, giving her extra power, allowing her to hit and run before using Teleport or slowing down the any fast enemies.

The only drawbacks are that she'll need to compete with everyone else but Kisa to increase her stats, and Mr. Tomn will only increase her ARM instead of DEX(which is what you should focus on anyway).

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