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Ninja All Stars Stats[]

Ronin Onryo (NAS)
Ronin Onryo back (NAS)

The Ring: Onryo may spend her action to Curse all enemy models in her influence zone.

Flavor: Into the darkness, under the trees, into the water, follow me please.


Sometimes, in the grip of an awful terror, people do not always pass into the next world at rest. These revenge spirits are terrible, and haunt their tormentors without mercy. In a land of shadows and daggers, one can imagine a great many spirits don't find rest, such as it is for Onryo, who has been haunting anyone who would disturb the still waters of her grave, until they are lying with her in the cold dark.

Kagejima is a weird and supernatural place. The shadows are long and deep. Many of the people who make their home there have a deep and extraordinary understanding of the arcane and spiritual. Even so, the spirit world is still not completely understood. Ghosts, souls, and the veil between this world and the next remain pretty oblique. hungry ghosts such as Onryo are sadly fairly common due to the island's long history of vicious strife.


The Ring: Onryo may spend her action to Curse all enemy models in her influence zone.

Onryo has fairly low attack and defense and a good movement. They are fairly respectable but she probably won’t last long battling it out on the front line. Her strength lies in her harassment potential. Using The Ring to pass out Curse to as much of the opposing team as possible can really cause a bad day for your opponent.

Ronin:Hero: Models with Hero cannot gain XP, cannot increase their attributes, and cannot get new Keywords during league play. Heroes are unique characters. Duplicates of the same Hero may not be recruited to the same team.

Sneaky: A model with Sneaky begins the game in Stealth, regardless of the challenge’s special rules. A model with Sneaky may go into Stealth by spending either all of its movement or its action.

Sprint: When a model with Sprint runs, it may move an additional +2 spaces, i.e. double movement + 2 spaces.

Void Mastery: Once per round, after a model with Void Mastery makes a roll, they may reroll any dice that did not result in Void.

While Onryo is exposed to attacks you may want to hold Void Mastery to re-roll a Resilient roll. Sneaky plus Sprint should make it easier to get Onryo into a position to give as much Curse as possible early in the game. Onryo can be a useful addition to teams that don’t normally have access to debuffs. Onryo is fairly cheap and her upkeep is pretty manageable so she can make a strong ronin for early to mid timeframe league play. Plus the model is awesome so don’t be surprised if she regularly haunts a game board near you!
