With the crack of her rifle and the smell of gunpowder, One Shot brings her signature ranged warfare into Super Dungeon Explore with deadly effect. Terrified monsters flee in panic, but they can't run fast enough. One Shot has them in her sights!

- Type: Human Hero
- Crystal Affinity: Emerald
- Abilities: None
- Unique Actions: Daystar, Focused Shot
- Potions: Fritz
- Movement Points: 6
- Action Points: 3
- Strength: 2B (Melee: 1)
- Armor: 3B (Defense)
- Willpower: 2B
- Dexterity: 2R (Missile: 8)
- Hearts: 5
- Potion Quantity: 1
One Shot is a very straight forward Hero- shoot everything!
Running off of a DEX of 2 red and a missile range of 8 squares, not much can hide from One Shot.
Daystar gives One Shot a Lance: 8 area effect, hitting every model in a line 8 squares long. For extra umph it also pushes them 3 squares, allowing her to clear out choke points and push models into hazardous tile effects.
Focused Shot is cracks high defense targets with a single bump of +3 blue DEX. Pow!
Her potion Fritz can increase One Shot's (or any missile Hero's) DEX even further by +1 blue and granting them the ability Knockdown.
First Relic Knights Party
The First Relic Knights Party, or First Knights, consists of the first Relic Knight from five of the title game's six factions(excluding Noh's Kasaro To).
The Black Diamond's deadly sniper(who is currently dressed in a hat and miniskirt) has a completely obvious, albeit very basic, role among the Knights. Her Cypher Fritz compliments her actions completely, both knocking down multiple enemies hit by Daystar and amplifying her Focused Shot even further. Keep in mind that the former uses Lance, so you may need to choose a treasure that has a better AoE for her.
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