As a Kinoshroom grows it becomes a venerable Okoshroom. Okoshroom leave behind the bounciness of youth and trade it for the whirling spin of wisdom - wisdom is the Okoshroom's assertion. The spinning is the primary thing. Just keep spinning. Just keep spinning. Spinning. Spinning. Spinning...

- Type: Kinoko Elite
- Crystal Affinity: Emerald
- Abilities: Soporific, Spongy
- Unique Actions: Whirling Shitake, Tempermental Toadstool
- Movement Points: 6
- Action Points: 3
- Strength: 3B (Melee: 2)
- Armor: 1W 2B (Defense)
- Willpower: 1B
- Dexterity: 2B
- Hearts: 4
- Skull Points: 2
- Monster Platform: 16-Bit
- Spawning Point: Fungal Growth
The Okoshroom is the daddy (or mommy, who can tell with fungus?) mushroom. He comes in with three mighty action points and 3 blue dice for STR. Wait. What? Only 3 blue dice you cry?
Yes we say. Take a look at the mighty Whirling Shitake ability above. That is a one action point Wave 1 offensive action. The Okoshroom is on a large base, so the Wave is hitting 12 squares. If your Kinoshrooms have done their job that is a lot of Hero crunching.
He backs it up with the same Soporific and Spongy abilities as his lesser kin. A healthy four hearts, and a bargain skull point cost of 2.
Oh, then there is Tempermental Toadstool. This support action has no range so may only target the Okoshroom, and gives the big fella Backlash. So anytime he wins a defense roll the Hero takes a wound instead. Apparently he really never stops spinning!