Superdungeonexplore Wiki

Schooled since birth in the ancient esoteric arcana of her family, the Moon Princess sometimes tires of merely watching the Moonlight Tournament. Sometimes, she wishes to pit her own strange and terrible power against the warriors competing to do her honor. Several true assassinations have been attempted during the Tournament, and surely more will come. In truth, this danger is part of what makes these outings so appealing.




NOTICE: The Devil Island campaign supplement refers to Moon Princess as Sakuya (pg 7), and will be addressed as such on this page.


Sakuya-Hime has an above average 2R each for STR and WILL(Ranges 2 and 6 respectively), and an average 1B 1R ARM, and can carry two potions instead of one. Her unique ability Moon's Blessing allows her to gain whatever bonus the monsters gain on the Mighty Monster Chart.


Moonbeam extends her melee range by 2 and has the Lance ability for an additional AP.

Moonlit Blade can help hit any enemy surrounding her. Like Moonbeam, it is a melee attack that costs 2AP.


Tears of the Princess is weak at first, but can become one of the best healing potions in the game later on, with the ability to restore a hero to full health at no coins remaining.

Bottled Starlight's combination of movement and Proficient are useful for reaching a chest with an AP saved for facing a Boo Booty.


Sakuya is decent early on, but can be troublesome for the Consul, depending on the chart. In standard mode, she'll gain a Sapphire die on round 4, and on 9 they'll have to choose between boosting her STR and WILL, or her ARM. Extended is worse: unless the boss spawns early, she can have an impressive 3R+1* STR with a chance to do some real damage. The same goes for her tears as she could heal someone to full during extended gameplay.

The Mighty Monster Chart may turn the game into an uphill battle for the Consul depending on both the boss* and the number of heroes. The following are two examples of how Moon's Blessing could work for her, both using the normal boss charts.:


Round #2- All minions, as well as Sakuya, get a +1 offense boost.

Round #9- The Consul must decide between +1 offense, which permanently enhances her Moon actions, or give everyone +1 to their defense while making her harder to hit.

5-6 Heroes

Round #2 and 7- Monsters get +1 to offense and defense respectively, This means she'll also have a nice boost.

Round #9- This round will give the Consul a devastating choice: Give all minions either Massive Damage(she can take down the tougher minions and clear out any remaining spawn points) or Backlash(she can make things troublesome for points with 1W monsters, pending her ARM)

Round #13- All monsters get a good 1R offence boost, while she gets one to her already great STR and WILL.

As of the last edit, only the standard, Bomechan and Hoarfang Explore charts are printed. This page may change as more are made.


Sakuya will need to increase both her ARM and her offensive rolls. While any increase to STR will help make her actions more effective, cards that give her both WILL actions and a boost are more than welcome. This, of course, depends on the chart; look at it during your first round and plan accordingly.


When the 2nd edition's rules were available for download, the princess was able to deal some good damage to the Consul, a fact that changed once Devil Island was announced.

Both Elrik and Onryo have abilities that remove coins from the game, permanently making Sakuya's Tears less effective. This can also mean it is worthless if the consul manages to keep them tied up without any point loss.

Another thing to watch for is the MMC. While Standard and Bomechan seem to give her some bonuses, there could be a future boss whose effects not just ignore her ability, but can be used against her as well.


Sakuya-Hime fits the role of multi-attacker and supporter in the party. How much useful that role is, of course, depends on which boss(as well as their respective chart) the Consul will pick. Look at the dungeon carefully and determine the best way to use her while minimizing her limitations.

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