Crystalia Lore tells of the lands and people of Crystalia. For more Check out the History And Stories.
These are the lands of Crystalia that we know of. As more Adventurers tell their tales we will discover more.
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Arcadian Dunes[]
Lusting for power, Arcadia’s rulers sought to elevate themselves to the peerage of hallowed Celestia. The cataclysmic results led to the destruction of their once proud realm. Now the Colossus of Arcadia watches over a landscape of ash and sand. Deep within the desert the Shamble Mound lurks, its mountainous back home for tribes of desert monsters. To the north, the Blasted Tombs’ ancient walls crumble, an open invitation to any brave enough to risk their labyrinthine passages in search of treasure.
- Blasted Tombs'
- Desert Drop Oasis
- Hyerkos
- Crush Canyon
Created by the gods so their children, the winged Celestians, would have a realm closer to them than any other, Celestia has long been a place of knowledge and peace. As the Celestian race dwindled, they retreated from the Floating Gardens, which soon overgrew into a lush rain forest teeming with life. Descendants of pirates and adventurers who traveled to the gardens in search of Celestian riches, the Tolo Tribe now enjoys a life of rustic simplicity. It is said that to drink from the source of the Rainbow Falls is to drink the wisdom of the gods, and to bathe in its waters washes away the infirmities of age.
- Floating Gardens
- Fort Tolo
- Olyentos
- Rainbow Falls
Clockwork Cove[]
When rugged and pragmatic dwarven engineering was paired with gnomish curiosity and whimsy, true wonders were created. Now, the city of Areals is a rich and bustling port town. Clockwork ships ply the waters while clanking monstrosities stomp around the docks. Above, whirlygigs and balloons launched from the Rookery bob and weave on the air currents, while pirates and brigands make port on the Drowned Isle where the authorities are loathe to pursue them.
- Areals
- Drowned Isle
- UnderCove
- Privy's End
- The Rookery
Crystalia Castle[]
Ringed with high walls, reaching towers, and sky-piercing minarets, Crystalia Castle is the beating heart of the realm. Despite its name, Crystalia is not just a castle. It is also a sprawling and prosperous city, providing protection and security to those who call it home. So long as Crystalia Castle stands, the kingdom knows hope.
Dragonback Peaks[]
Mountainous, volcanic, and dangerous, the Dragonback Peaks are no place to travel lightly. Starfire Mountain never sleeps, and its fiery eruptions paint the sky red and orange. Bright rivers of lava known as the Fire Flows course their way down its slopes, emptying into the Scalding Sea. Along its jagged coastline lies the Hall of Vulcanis. Outcasts from Celestia, his Legionnaires train endlessly for the day he will return as its conqueror.
- Hall of Vulcanis
- Scalding Sea
- Fire Flows
- Grumble-Grind
- Rock Tooth Quarry
Fae Wood[]
It is said the Deeproot Tree sprouted every seed of every plant upon Crystalia. Home of the elves and the faerie folk, wise travelers avoid the Fae Wood unless invited in or accompanied by one of the elvin kin. The Lordship Ruins stand as a somber reminder to any who would challenge that wisdom. Even the elves are wary when traveling the Mistmourn Coast, where the ocean’s spray is trapped and the fog and mist are haunted by dire creatures.
- Blasted Meadow
- Cross Creek
- Stonebridge
- Deeproot Tree
- Lordship Downs
- Lordship Ruins
- Lunar Spires
- Emerald Valley
- Flicker Fire Grove
- Thunder Vale
- Midway
- Southern Vale
- The Great Imperial Highway
- Broken Bough Village
- The Pickled Frog
Frostbyte Reach[]
As frigid and inhospitable as its dour residents, Dwarfholm Bastion stretches along the entire breadth of the Frostbyte Reach. The subterranean Torch Road provides the surest path into the realm of the dwarves, its magnificent halls providing ample protection from the harsh elements above. Sheltered within the Skull White Fastness, the barbaric race of Jotun view the entirety of Crystalia from their barren peak.
- The Great Ice Wall
- Foruk’s Falls
- Village of Hetsa
- The Musty Beard Tavern
- Torch Road
- Barrel Roll Pass
- Dwarfholm Bastion
- Felicity Springs
- Hearthholds
- Skull White Fastness
- Drenring
Glauerdoom Moor[]
A soggy lowland cursed by a plague of undead, Glauerdoom Moor is ruled from the decrepit VonDrak Manor, which has stood for time immemorial. Miserable peasants work its miserable soil for miserable crops. At night, they huddle behind locked doors as covens deep within the Witches’ Weald weave dark magic, and howling creatures prowl the bogs. Even the sturdiness of stone provides no protection, as evidenced by the Sunken Tower, whose slow descent into the muck will soon seal away its arcane secrets for eternity.
- Von Drakk Manor
- Stilt Town
- Sunken Tower
- Glauer Downs
- Witches' Weald
The most immediate question you may have is where does Kagejima fit into the lore of Crystalia? There is a reason maps of Crystalia have always been depicted as a single landmass surrounded by ocean. Crystalia, has always been envisioned as a single continent of a larger world. It felt only natural for Kagejima to become the first new continent discovered by the inhabitants of Crystalia! (Astute scholars will note that Celestia was actually once a continent itself, before being fractured and dragged into the Dark Realm.)
- Black Cliffs
- Devil Island
- Great Getsu-san
- Gulf of Skulls
- Moon Castle
- Moon Court
- O-Kage
- Onokonu Village
- Utuchi River
- port city of Three Towers
- Shinamaki Village
- Ishikuzu
Empire of the Sun[]
- Sun Court
Midnight Tower[]
A dark spire that thrusts toward the sky from an island of jagged rock in the middle of the Scalding Sea, the Consul’s Tower casts a shadow of despair across the land. The Nether Rifts spread like a disease, the sickly glowing chasms are whispered to be paths to the underworld where the Consul’s victims suffer eternal torment. Circling this dark realm stand the Grim Heralds: foreboding, living statues, whose gaze can kill an erstwhile Hero where they stand.
Nether Realms[]
Dark Realm[]
Mistmourn Coast[]
Wandering Monk Mountains[]
The longest mountain range in Crystalia, these mountains are home to Heaven’s Mirror. The lake’s surface is so clear and calm that one can see all of the heavens within its reflection. Taking the Path of the 1000 Shrines will ultimately lead travelers to Shima Village at the base of the Temple of Clouds. Many a warrior has found divine inspiration from meditating within its sacred walls. The path to enlightenment is often fraught with peril, as cackling oni and bakemono from the Tengu Aerie harass travelers and trick them out of their possessions.
- Yuyang
- Heaven's Mirror
- Path of the 1000 Shrines
- Shina Village
- Temple of Clouds