The winter solstice is a time of gathering and celebration for the people of Crystalia. Warm around their hearths, sipping warm mugs, they wait for Kringle to bring gifts for the good girls and boys.
But for the naughty citizens of Crystalia, the winter solstice is a time to turn out the lights, hide under the bed, and beg the Goddess that the Krampus does not find them. The Krampus is a mighty faerie from the far North, his gaping maw the last thing that no-good tricksters ever see.
He sees you when you're sleeping. He knows when you're awake. You had best start running, for goodness sake.
Explore Stats

- Type: Faerie Dungeon Boss
- Crystal Affinity: Emerald,Ruby
- Abilities: You've Been Naughty, NOM NOM NOM!
- Unique Actions: Into the Bag, Grabbing Stick, Make Mischief
- Movement Points: 7
- Action Points: 4
- Strength: 3B 2G (Melee: 4)
- Armour: 2B 1G
- Willpower: 2R 2G (Magic: 1)
- Dexterity: 3B 1G
- Hearts: 10
- Skull Points: 4
- Monster Platform: Super

Boss Spawn
Caught Red Handed: The Consul selects one Hero that is not on Kringle's Nice List. the selected Hero shapeshifts into a Naughty of the Consul's choice.
Run Free, Children!: Target Naughtie performs up to three moves and one basic attack action controlled by the Consul. If there are no Naughties in play, any Hero may be chosen instead.
Arcade Stats

- Type: Faerie Dungeon Boss
- Crystal Affinity: Emerald,Ruby
- Abilities: You've Been Naughty, NOM NOM NOM!
- Unique Actions: Into the Bag, Grabbing Stick, Make Mischief
- Movement Points: 7
- Action Points: 4
- Strength: 5W
- Armour: 3W (Defense)
- Range: 4
- Hearts: 10
Explore Mode
With a strength of 3B 2G and a will of 2R 2G, Krampus is well-equipped to destroy any Hero. It has a lower armor than most dungeon bosses, but this is compensated for with its abilities. You’ve Been Naughty shapeshifts any Hero that scores a critical against him into a Naughtie, turning his low armor into a potential asset as Heroes are more likely to score criticals. It's important to remember that this ability triggers regardless of the number of wounds caused. Meaning it can trigger even after Timeout. Once some Heroes have been transformed, Nom Nom Nom! allows the Krampus to heal whenever he destroys a Naughtie. Any dungeon boss that is rewarded for devouring the party is bound to be a good time!
The first action available to Krampus is Into The Bag. This devastating attack renders the target Immobile and Hexed, making its next activation difficult as it struggles to move or attack (it’s hard to move when you’re stuck in a sac, after all). The next action is the Grabbing Stick, which allows Krampus to move the target with compel, potentially setting it up to perform an attack for the Consul because with the final action, Make Mischief, the Krampus can force the Heroes to attack each other if they have been turned into Naughties!
The Krampus's Boss Fight card help's ensure that at least one Hero will always suffer the fate of being transformed into a Naughtie thanks to Caught Red Handed. This ability also provides a fun interaction with Kringle's own Nice List ability. Run Free, Children turns the Heroes upon themselves, allowing the Consul to use Naughties to attack the party. What fun!
Of course, a major part of Krampus are the Naughtie shapeshifts themselves, so let’s have a look:
There are four unique Naughtie shapeshifts for the Krampus to transform naughty Heroes into. Each one having its own benefits and disadvantages for the Consul and Heroes alike.
Notice that each Naughtie can attack with melee, missile, or magic, meaning that any Hero can be turned into any Naughtie without rendering its gear useless. Of course, being turned into a Naughtie is a bad thing, as the Hero’s armor is significantly lowered and its attacks aren’t quite as powerful (not to mention that Krampus can force the Naughties to attack, or eat them to heal).
Even so, the Naughties are not designed to take options away from the party, each Naughty comes with its own unique set of actions and methods for turning back, forcing the party to think outside the box and adapt to what they have been given. This makes playing against the Krampus an interesting and new challenge for even the most experienced Heroes!
Originally Here
Arcade Mode
Just like with the Explore version, the Krampus turns Heroes into Naughties if they misbehave by scoring criticals against him. Please have a look at the Rolling Stars article on how Krampus plays in Explore to see the Naughties and what that means for the party.
The Arcade version plays slightly differently, because Make Mischief is a signature action. If there is a Naughtie in play, you can always expect Krampus to turn it against the party. Also, the Hero gets to choose which Naughtie it gets turned into when it shapeshifts, forcing you to look at the different Naughties and think about which one would work best in the current situation.
In addition to Make Mischief, the Krampus also has Into The Bag, a unique action that is devastating because it causes both Immobile and Hex. It also has the Grabbing Stick unique action, pulling Heroes towards his gaping maw while the Krampus gets in an attack!
Challenge Deck
The Krampus is our very first dungeon boss to get its very own, unique, Boss Fight Challenge Deck! The Boss Fight Challenge Deck was a new mechanic introduced to Super Dungeon: Arcade Second Edition. At the end of every Consul turn, if the dungeon boss is in play, you flip a card from the Boss Fight Challenge Deck and see what the dungeon boss does (in addition to its normal Move and Fight commands). Sometimes these Challenge cards will allow the dungeon boss to take its unique actions, gain armor, or a host of other fun and interesting effects! While Super Dungeon: Arcade Second Edition will come with a generic Boss Fight Challenge Deck, creating unique decks for each new boss in order to make them even more interesting was always a goal, and Krampus was the first opportunity we got to make one! Here are just a few of the cards you might encounter:
Above are two examples of the Krampus’ unique Boss Fight Challenge cards. The Trap portion of the card is performed immediately when the card is drawn while the Challenge portion of the card stays in play and affects the following turn. He Sees You When You’re Sleeping transforms a Hero into a Naughty while also raising the Krampus’ armor. Better Not Pout renders the Heroes’ armor useless while allowing the Krampus to perform his Unique actions and maybe even forcing the party to heal him if the right Naughty is in play. There is at least one Boss Fight card that affects each available Naughty, so the Heroes will always be on their toes!
The Boss Fight Challenge Deck is a great tool for making every dungeon boss feel truly unique and fun, and we’re excited to unveil it with Krampus!
Originally Here