Superdungeonexplore Wiki

The strongest and largest of their kind, the Ironscales are draped in heavy armor and fight from behind immovable heavy shields. Advancing with their rattling stomp, their kin swarm from behind their wall of protection to attack anyone foolish enough to stick around.


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Ironscales are the bruisers of the kobold clan. Given stout metal armor and massive shields they augment the ability of their fellow kobolds to stay alive.

Ironscales only have 1 heart but 2-stars for ARM make them a surprisingly resilient foe for Heroes who have not gotten any loot to increase their offense. This armor can be easily increase by their support action ScalewallThis Aura: 2 augment grants all models within 2 squares +1-star to ARM, creating a phalanx of monsters that just refuse to die.

Backing up their defensive capabilities are 2 action points, a solid STR of 2 red and Mob.

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