With powerful attacks and metal-rattling abilities, Iron Golem is a formidable foe who can take damage and dish out pain.
After Von Drakk's brutal rise to power, many Barons were forced to flee the Glauderdoom Moors or be put to the sword. Baron Von Hulf was one such lord. Fleeing deep within the Fae Wood, Von Hulf and his subjects found refuge within the outskirts of the crumbling ruins of the Lordship Downs-unaware of the evil which lurked within. With his forces few, and Von Drakk on the hunt for traitors to his rule, Von Hulf's gnomish artificers built mighty magical constructs to protect the new settlement. Melting down iron scavenged from the Lordship Downs, the golems became infused with the dark magicks which permeated the cursed location.
Explore Stats
- Type: Construct Mini-Boss
- Crystal Affinity: Sapphire
- Abilities: Crystal Heart
- Unique Actions: Shield Wall, Sword Toss, Hard Hit
- Movement Points: 6
- Action Points: 3
- Strength: 2W2R (Melee: 2)
- Armour: 3B(Defense)
- Willpower: 1B
- Dexterity: 1B
- Hearts: 6
- Skull Points: 4
- Monster Platform: Super
Arcade Stats

- Type: Construct Mini-Boss
- Crystal Affinity: Sapphire
- Abilities: Knockdown, immune: Knockdown, Pile-On
- Unique Actions: Shield Wall, Sword Toss
- Movement Points: 6
- Action Points: 3
- Strength: 4W
- Armour: 3W (Defense)
- Range: 3
- Hearts: 6
The Iron Golem is a Construct with 6 Move and Wounds, and 3AP. It was released with a Steam code for the game Super Dungeon Tactics.
The SUPER version has a devastating 2R+2 STR, which is used to attack anyone withn 32 spaces, and a good ARM at 3R. At first glance, it may seem like an average Mini-boss with high stats....until you look at it's ability (see Crystal Heart)
The Arcade version has Average Stats and good STR, but it can attack anyone one space further. It is just as dangerous as the SUPER version by both dealing, and being immune from, Knockdown and having the Pile-on ability.
Both versions have the support action Shield Wall and the attack action Sword Toss, both of which are normal actions. The SUPER version has an additional attack called Hard Hit.
Shield Wall is it's only defensive ability, giving itself and any other enemy within 32 spaces an additional 1 ARM. This action costs 1AP.
Sword Toss is a Lance 8 melee attack that targets everyone within 16 spaces(due to it's base size). This attack costs 2AP.
Hard Hit has a range of 1, but it's +2G STR makes sure it can hit almost any hero. Hard Hit costs 2AP.
Crystal Heart

The SUPER's only ability is also what makes it deadly. Each time it comes into play, the Consul can choose from five crystals to equip, each one granting it a permanent ability.
Emerald- Sword Toss gains Charge.
Ruby- Gives the Iron Golem Fire and Fueled By Fire. Fueled By Fire gives it an additional +1R to all offensive rolls for each enemy model suffering Fire.
Strategy- The Iron Golem is a walking nightmare in the wrong hands, but it depends on the situation. Party manage to have a high attack and defense? Give it an Amethyst. Annoying mage that can clear out groups? Give it Sapphire, activate Shield Wall and have everyone greet them. Need to deal extra damage? Try Ruby, with either Hard Hit to make sure it hurts or Sword Toss to get multiple victims at once. Whatever the circumstances, The Iron Golem has an answer for almost every situation.
Vs SUPER- The Iron Golem is deadly, but it has a couple of weaknesses.
The first is that it has no immunities. That means you should have heroes and equipment that can take him down. Poison can force it to either attack and defend while Ice will limit it to using it's sword. Immobile and careful planning can prevent it from making any attack at all while Bane and Hex reduce any stars it gains. No matter the effect, just make sure your heroes are strong enough to deal damage first in order to inflict it.
The second is that the Consul only uses one crystal at a time. When the Golem appears, immediately stop the game and talk to the party about what you can do(or think about the enemy if it is one hero vs the Consul). Each crystal has both a power and a weakness; if you can find it, you can easily take it down.
Vs Arcade- Most of the time it won't activate Shield Wall. You should use that opportunity to at least deal one wound to him. Be careful when having it with the other enemies with Pile-on; all three successful hits following a hit Sword Toss can easily mess things up with your party should none of them have Immune: Knockdown.
Consul- The Iron Golem works with many spawning points, but it's up to the Consul to find which spawn point works with which crystal.
Three examples are also the series' three Sapphire spawning points, but two require him to stand guard. Grabby House, as well as it's inhabitants, can tie up any hero they meet, making them perfect targets for a Sword Toss. Tribal Stone grants it an additional ARM when close by, which can make it nigh invincible while it bolsters up the tribal monsters. The Rock Pile is mostly what you want to use with it, mainly due to giving it Immune: All. As soon as it enters the game, give it a Sapphire, then have it activate Shield Wall while the Bombardiers and Crushiers take potshots at the party.
For bosses, Beatrix, Raging Roxor, and both versions of Starfire can set everyone on fire, allowing it to trigger FBF when it activates. Jorogumo's Silk Noose works with Citrine, making her capable of defeating any hero with it's help.
Finally, either crystal mentioned works well with Araphel and her Cherubs. When having a Ruby infused Iron Golem work for her, remember that you can activate all SUPERS for free in any order.
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