Superdungeonexplore Wiki

Kaiken are the foot soldiers of Clan Ijin and are a common sight in their harsh homeland. The ijin struggle and succeed every day through pure, raw strength. Shaped by darkness and sculpted by hard labor, they are tough, iron-fisted, and suffer no insult. Any who trespass or insult the Ijin will face the wrath of the kaiken, each warrior having earned their place in the ranks through a test of might.


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Explore Mode

You are trespassing on Ijin lands, outsider.

Kaiken are the foot soldiers of Clan Ijin. But they are not mere cannon fodder, or soldiers pressed into duty. Every Kaiken has earned his or her place through a test of might and endured a lifetime of hard work and training to get to where they are. Behind every slash of a Kaiken’s blade is years of practice and blood.

Ijin Kaiken are simple, but effective, models. With only one heart and costing only a single skull point they will be a common choice when the Consul spawns monsters. They have decent movement and strength, and they are distinguished from the Kunoichi and Yajiri by their higher armor.

Like all Ijin, the Kaiken have the Rampage ability. This ability grants them an additional blue die to offensive actions for each spawning point that was destroyed this game. This makes them more dangerous as the game progresses, and keeps the Ijin scaling in power along with the Heroes. It also perfectly represents the Ijin’s anger at their homeland being attacked while forcing the Heroes to make tough choices about when to destroy a spawning point and risk the Ijin’s wrath.

Kaiken are a common site on an Ijin battlefield with good reason.

Arcade Mode

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