Superdungeonexplore Wiki

To the Ijin, Strengh is the ultimate test. Those who cannot fight cannot command respect. Those who cannot win cannot lead. Those who cannot lead must follow and serve those who can. Ibaraki-doji has fought and won, and his brethren must follow and serve when the chunin commands.

Explore Stats[]

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Arcade Stats[]

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Explore Mode[]

Leave the strongest for me.

Ibaraki-Doji has risen to the rank of chunin among the Ijin due to his sheer strength and ruthlessness. These traits go beyond him, and any warriors who fight under his command rise to supreme acts of might and aggression upon hearing his feral call to arms. He never speaks when he is in battle, he lets the clash of blades and screams of his enemies speak for him.

Ibaraki-Doji is the mini-boss in the Super Dungeon: Explore - Devil Island Starter. He has impressive strength, made more frightening by the Ijin’s signature Rampage ability. This is a mini-boss that the Heroes will grow to dread.

His first action is Finish The Weak which grants him an additional blue dice to strength for every wound on his target, allowing him to easily finish off that last pesky wound. His next action is Double Slash, this action deals an additional wound thanks to Massive Damage and is far more likely to cause a critical thanks to Brutal Strike for a frightening potential of three wounds (or four wounds if a Madoushi gave him Improved Critical)! His last action, Battle Howl, is the most impressive one. This allows all friendly monsters to gain red dice due to Rampage instead of blue dice. Battle Howl turns the Ijin’s usually devastating attacks into an unstoppable avalanche of pain.

If you want to strike fear into the hearts of your Heroes, Ibaraki-Doji is the perfect mini-boss to add to your collection and lead Clan Ijin into battle!

Arcade Mode[]

[insert tips for play]

Available Through[]
