A highly skilled warrior of strange disposition, Howl, and the small child he calls Yip, wander Kagejima in the rough life of a ronin. They say, in a past life, he fell in love with a bewitching kunoichi, and she with him. He did not discover her betrothal to her clan’s lord until after their son was born. To perserve honor, gave up his name and swore revenge on the lord.

- Type: Human Hero
- Crystal Affinity: Citrine
- Abilities: Yips Wrath
- Unique Actions: My Life For Yours, The Blade Knows The Way
- Potions: A Bottle For Baby
- Movement Points: 6
- Action Points: 3
- Strength: 3B (Melee: 1)
- Armor: 2R (Defense)
- Willpower: 2B
- Dexterity: 3B
- Hearts: 5
- Potion Quantity: 1
Explore Mode
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Arcade Mode
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