Lord Vulcanis was cast from the marble halls of Celestia due to his fiery temper and bellicose nature. Since his fall he has focused his considerable might on destroying the Celestials' realm. Filled with fury at his continued failure he has sent his Heralds across Crystalia to rally the dark races to his banner and subjugate those who would oppose him.
Explore Stats
- Type: Dark Celestian Mini-Boss
- Crystal Affinity: Citrine, Sapphire
- Abilities: Immune: Fire
- Unique Actions: Flaming Javelin, Shield Bash, Phalanx
- Movement Points: 7
- Action Points: 3
- Strength: 1W3R (Melee: 2)
- Armour: 2R (Defense)
- Willpower: 1B1R
- Dexterity: 2B1R (Missile: 6)
- Hearts: 5
- Skull Points: 4
- Monster Platform: Super
Flaming Javelin; Replace “Melee 6 Icon” with “Missile 6 Icon”.. Errata April 14 2015
Arcade Stats
- Type: Dark Celestian Mini-Boss
- Crystal Affinity: Citrine, Sapphire
- Abilities: Immune: Fire
- Signature Action: Flaming Javelin
- Unique Actions: Phalanx
- Movement Points: 7
- Action Points: 2
- Strength: 4W
- Armour: 4W
- Range: 4
- Hearts: 6
The Herald has high Offense, aided by his Shield Bash (+1R STR, Knockdown AP2) and even an AOE with Flaming Javelin (Missile 6, +1R DEX, Burst 1 Fire AP2); what also helps him stand out is that his third AP is best spent on Phalanx for Aura 2 +1W ARM, aiding himself and the lesser monsters around him. High offense, high defense, Immune: Fire, Movement 7... what's not to like?
Additional Info: Arcade has one less AP and loses Shield Bash, but Flaming Javelin is his signature move.
Vs. SUPER: When the Herald activates, he will most likely use a 2AP attack(preferably Flaming Javelin) followed by Phalanx. A good way to stop him is to use Ice to seal his actions or have poison to force either attack or defend(Archpoisoner is a great choice). It may also be a great idea to have Immune: Fire on the party in case he tries to hit and run.
Vs. Arcade: The bad part about arcade is that he can always make two extra attacks after throwing his javelin, and Phalanx can make him near invincible early on. Thankfully, the former has shorter range and a single target while the latter can be used every other turn. Keep your party healthy and attack him without his ARM up, and you'll be fine.
Consul: Some of the spawn points may seem useless to the Herald of Vulcanis on paper, but can easily generate good results if used properly. While Lava Whirl's Fire Aura seems wasteful, making 2-3 basic missiles with Fire is sometimes better than wasting 2AP on one person.(even with the DEX boost). Claw Shrine Does not grant him bonuses, but he can set a victim up for the mobs whilst giving the Drake Hounds some survivability. Perhaps the best point(or points) is Old-Growth: a good 'Diseased Flame Javelin' can set the party for an assault by the now defended Virulent plants.
A 5+ party will require the Consul to pick two mid-bosses, which can compliment each other if paired correctly. If you manage to have him and a Ruby infused Iron Golem on the field, have him set the team in flames, then activate the Golem's Sword Toss on the hit members for a near guaranteed 3 wounds each. You can add more salt on the wound by having them both increase their ARM after every activation, making them harder to hit(If you want your friends to quit playing the game completely, use them both with Old-Growth in a 5+ quest) .
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