Hecate Vilehorn was once one of the most respected Thundervale druids. But she became obsessed with the idea of immortality and sought after it with a combination of druidic magic, and things she learned studying the ways of various witch covens. Her druidic kin considered this quest an affront to the natural world and, when she refused to stop, they destroyed her. Through vile magic she rose once more and now she stalks the Glaurdoom Moor, searching for the spell that will end her twilight of undeath and bring her back entirely.
Explore Stats

- Type: Witch Centaur Mini-Boss
- Crystal Affinity: Ruby
- Abilities: Hex, Mob, Surefoot
- Unique Actions: Trample, Army of Bone, Soul Shard
- Movement Points: 8
- Action Points: 3
- Strength: 1B 2R (Melee: 2)
- Armour: 2R (Defense)
- Willpower: 3R (Magic: 6)
- Dexterity: 2B
- Hearts: 6
- Skull Points: 4
- Monster Platform: Super
Arcade Stats

- Type: Witch Centaur Mini-Boss
- Crystal Affinity: Ruby
- Abilities: Hex
- Unique Actions: Trample, Army of Bone, Soul Shard
- Movement Points: 8
- Action Points: 3
- Strength: 4W
- Armour: 4W
- Range: 6
- Hearts: 6
Hecate has both Thundervale Huntress' Move at 8, and Celestial Healer's Wounds at 6. In Explore, she has an above average 1B 2R STR, Average 2R ARM and good 3R WILL, as well as the useful Mob and Surefoot abilities. Her arcade card gives her average STR and ARM with 4 each, and an average 6 RNG. Her defense in all games is actually improved thanks to her innate hex ability.
Hecate has three actions for all games: Trample, Army of Bone and Soul Shard. These actions are regular actions in Arcade.
Trample, Hecate's only Offensive action, is a Wave:1 attack that inflicts Knockdown. She can either use it as a warning to fighters closeby, or after charging toward the party to waste their movement. Trample costs 2AP.
Army of Bone allows her to bring back Bone Pile monsters within Wave: 3 for 1AP.
Vs. Von Drakk- Army of Bone has the exact same range and AP cost for both models. Hecate can make better use of AoB for two reasons:
- Her 2X2 base size gives her a better Raise area of 60 squares compared to Drakk's 48.
- Once Von Drakk becomes Nocturne in Explore and Legends, he loses the action.
Soul Shard is her most dangerous action. One person in range automatically receives a crystal that, when the wielder is defeated, resurrects her adj. with three wounds of damage. Soul Shard has unlimited uses in Arcade, while in all other games costs 2AP and can only be used once.
If you plan to add Hecate to your dungeon, ask yourself this question first: Do I want her to have Mob, or do I want her to use Army of Bone?
If the answer is Mob, you can have the minions surround them to where her melee can be effective, most likely Trample. If it is AoB, you can have her use it early in the phase, freeing up other models with raise to attack or strengthen their minions. In addition, Trample can either force a hero to either have one less action to attack a minion, or forfeit destroying any bone pile completely.
No matter what strategy you go with, they both have the same goal: constantly annoy the heroes long enough for the boss to show up.
As for Soul Shard, it should only be used in an emergency. Although defeating a hero can get her a free hit when she revives, there is a chance that she won't be around for the next Consul phase. Choosing her victim should also be considered, as a character with low ARM may end up being hard to take out later on.
Vs. Super Tips
For points with Mob, the strategy is obvious: have heroes with AoE attacks focus on the minions while the others take out the point itself. Karura and Adzuki can easily destroy the point before she can make things worse. After that, take her out before she can cast Soul Shard.
For Raise, it requires a little more than that. You will need heroes that can bring the dead to them, where they can truely destroy them. In a single activation, the Hearthsworn Fighter can bring them over with Dwarven Curse, then hit the three that are very close with Cleave before spending his Move to destroy the piles, then let the other hero take care of the rest if they have the right attacks. While there are other heroes that have similar tricks, he is the one that can take out the most minions in a turn.
If you still have problems fighting her, it may be a better idea to have a corpse of your own. The Gloomborn Champion's actions are not only a match for Hecate's strategy, but his Necromancer's Bane is an excellent plan B in the chance that Destroy Their Coffins doesn't hit.
Vs. Arcade Tips
Arcade mode is where things can get a little difficult regarding Hecate. Although she loses Mob, she has at least four chances to revive when she appears(maybe more if she appears before round 5), not counting the Challenge 'You Can Run'. Adding to the challenge is her deceptively good ARM 4, which can drag things out if the party is not prepared.
In addition to the Super strategy, it may be a good idea to bring heroes with Holy or Feint to increase their accuracy, or those that can deal extra wounds to get her out of the way immediately.
Hecate Vilehorn requires spawn points that support either strategy; otherwise her use as a mid-boss will be severely limited. Von Drakk's Shallow Grave is(currently) the only spawn point where she can make use of AoE, and can enhance her attacks with it's Bane Aura(Pumpkin Patch and Mistmourn's Salt Pillar also have Ruby auras, but are not recommended).
As for Mob, she has other options. Stilt Town's Grabby House has models that can lock up annoying heroes, with some of them able to heal Hecate when she revives, while Claws of the Wyrm and(if you can find/afford it) the Starter set have points that strongly ecourages Trample and mob, with some minions even being rewarded with a high STR bonus.
For the boss, it is best to find one that fits the theme. Onibaba can have her appear a third time with her Timeout while Onryo and her Chochin-Obake can bring a recently revived Hecate back to full wounds. Goro and Pauper Prince are also good matchups, as they can both constantly bring a good number of Mob creeps to her aid.
Finally, one of the rarest packs is Von Drakk: Ghost House Dungeon Tiles. While it is not needed for Hecate, the included Rattlebones, which have both Mob and Bone Pile, wouldn't actually hurt her. Just make sure to use the tiles with Fresh Graves if you want to use them, however.