Grumble-Grind is a Rocktop quarry-town.Players can use the time between adventures to shop, craft, train, and speak to the the local Rocktops. the party will find interacting with the Rocktop residents difficult. Rocktops are are greedy and mostly slow-witted by nature. Generally, the less status a Rocktop has in society the more willing it will be to talk to the party. Unfortunately, their low station means they probably don’t have much information worth knowing. The following information can be obtained:
Grumble-Grind primarily mines iron, however other metals and gems can be found within their vast network of tunnels.
The Mayor of Grumble-Grind is a particularly miserly Crusher name Master Cornelius Crush.
Grumble-Grind rarely trades with outsiders, unless compelled to by forces greater than them. They much prefer to horde the product of their labor.
Kobolds from the Cult of the Burning Star have begun purchasing large quantities of weapons, ore, and gems from the Rocktops.
Master Crush has hired a blacksmith called Burke to keep up with the cult’s demands, which include items beyond the skills of the Rocktop smiths.