Superdungeonexplore Wiki

Game modes are based on the style of play and the objective. Game size is how big your game play field will be.

Arcade and Explore (Classic)—allow you to play either cooperatively as the Heroes against an automated dungeon; or adventurously with a game master(Dark Consul) controlling the monsters.

PVP Arena, where two players each take control of a mighty warband consisting of one Hero, one mini-boss, two spawning points, and the spawning points’ associated monsters. These warbands then do battle against one another in a challenge known as a scenario. Each scenario has its own unique rules and victory conditions, which require a warband to use its abilities and strengths in new and clever ways.

Conquest, is a fantasy skirmish system designed for use with your collection of Super Dungeon miniatures. Conquest is designed to be a living rules system. As a living rules system, Super Dungeon: Conquest will grow with your feedback. We encourage you to report your games using the feedback form to help us improve the game and make suggestions. Conquest is taking the place of PVP Arena and Ninja All-Stars

And Legends, a campaign and roleplaying expansion for Super Dungeon. Where heroes brave a series of adventures as part of an overall narrative campaign


Some alternate ways for the Heroes to win the game to increase the variety offered by Super Dungeon: Explore. Like the Scenario for Arena & Challenges for Ninja All-Stars, each of these game modes replaces the usual Hero victory condition of destroying the boss; if one of these modes is chosen, destroying the boss will not end the game. However, the Consul victory condition remains the same in each mode: destroy a Hero when there are no Princess Coins left to resurrect it. If you wish to play one of these modes, after determining who will play the Consul, all players must agree on an alternate game mode. Some game modes require tokens to be added to the dungeon at the start of the game, in this case add the tokens immediately after Step 3 of setup: Build Dungeon.


A fiendish dungeon boss has made off with a moderately handsome prince. Rescue him and bring him home!


At the end of step 3. Build Dungeon, the Consul places the prince token in any open square in the dungeon. Then, one of the Hero players may move the prince token up to 4 squares.


A Hero adjacent to the prince token may use the Interact basic action to remove the prince token from the dungeon and place it on the Hero’s card. A Hero carrying the prince token may not Dash, and may not be placed using actions or abilities (though it may be pushed, compelled, etc.). At the end of the Hero Turn, if there is a Hero carrying the prince token and the Hero did not activate, it may move up to 5 squares (following the normal rules for movement).

If a Hero carrying the prince token is destroyed or otherwise removed from the dungeon, place the prince token on the square the Hero had previously occupied.

Every time a Hero targets the prince token with the Interact action, the Consul must immediately advance the Mighty Monster Chart, if able. Resolve all effects of advancing the Mighty Monster Chart (including spawning) immediately.


If a Hero carrying the prince token enters the same square as the Start Token, the Heroes immediately win the game.


If one or more Heroes are destroyed, and the party does not have enough remaining Princess Coins to revive all destroyed Heroes, the Consul immediately wins.


There is a powerful artifact hidden somewhere in this dungeon. The heroes must find it before the boss finds them...


At the end of step 3. Build Dungeon, the Consul places the second Start Token, red side up, in the third tile on any square that is adjacent to a dungeon exit. This is the end token.

Then select five crystal tokens with five different colors Choose one of the colors to represent the artifact. The remaining colors are decoys. Place the crystal tokens face down in front of you, and shuffle them such that neither Heroes nor Consul knows which one is the artifact. Starting with the Consul, the Consul and Heroes take turns placing a random crystal token in an empty square in the dungeon until all five crystal tokens have been placed. Crystal tokens may not be placed within four squares of the start or end tokens, spawning points, or other crystal tokens.


Once per activation, a Hero may use the Interact basic action to flip over an adjacent crystal token. If the token is a decoy, discard it and gain one loot. If the token is the artifact do the following in order:

1. Discard all other crystal tokens in the dungeon.

2. The Hero who took the Interact action must immediately draw one treasure card and equip it (discarding and redrawing anything which is not a treasure, such as a boo booty or bitey book). This treasure must be equipped to the Hero that took the Interact action.

3. Place the crystal artifact token on the drawn treasure to denote it as the artifact. This treasure may never be discarded for any reason. Actions on the treasure that require it to be discarded may not be taken.

If a Hero equipped with the artifact is destroyed or otherwise removed from the dungeon, place the artifact token on the square the Hero had previously occupied and remove the associated treasure from the Hero. Any Hero adjacent to the artifact may use the Interact action to target the artifact token and equip the artifact.

A Hero equipped with the artifact may not Dash, and may not be placed using actions or abilities (though it may be pushed, compelled, etc.). At the end of the Hero Turn, if there is a Hero carrying the artifact and the Hero did not activate, it may move up to 5 squares (following the normal rules for movement).

While a Hero has the artifact equipped, the Consul spawns 2 additional skulls of monsters while spawning monsters due to the Mighty Monster Chart.


If a Hero equipped with the artifact enters the same square as the end token, the Heroes immediately win the game.


If one or more Heroes are destroyed, and the party does not have enough remaining Princess Coins to revive all destroyed Heroes, the Consul immediately wins.

GAME SIZE from Super Dungeon Explore: 1st Edition[]

Before playing a game you must decide on what size game you will play. There are three game sizes: Dungeon Delve, Dungeon Crawl, and Dungeon Siege. All game sizes require at least two players. One to play the Consul and one to play the Heroes. In games with more than two players, have the additional players each take control of one or more Heroes.

DUNGEON DELVE (30 - 45 Minutes)

2 - 3 Players (Consul plus 1 to 2 Hero players) Place two dungeon tiles. Choose any two Heroes. Consul may choose any two spawning points and one Mini-Boss. The game ends when the Boss or all Heroes have been destroyed.

DUNGEON CRAWL (60 - 90 Minutes)

2 - 4 Players (Consul plus 1 to 3 Hero players) Place three dungeon tiles. Choose any three Heroes. Consul may choose any three spawning points, one Mini-Boss, and one Boss. The game ends when the Boss or all Heroes have been destroyed.

DUNGEON SIEGE (2 - 6 players)

2 - 6 Players (Consul plus 1 to 5 Hero players) Place five dungeon tiles. Choose any five Heroes. Consul may choose any five spawning points, two Mini-Bosses, and one Boss. The game ends when the Boss or all Heroes have been destroyed.


Super Dungeon Explore is designed so that the challenge monsters bring to the table is varied. Some monsters are brutal engines of destruction, while others deal little damage but provide unique game effects to confound the Heroes' plans. This is also reflected in the Heroes. Some Heroes excel at destroying monsters, while others support the party with healing or augments.

One of the most enjoyable aspects of Super Dungeon Explore is trying out new combinations of Heroes, monsters, and game rules to see how players overcome the challenge and create a fun play experience for everyone involved. Below are a few of Soda Pop Miniatures’ favorite ways to customize our games. Pick and choose your favorite ones to use in your game or create your own!




This set comes with Hard Mode cards and Easy Mode cards. These cards are used to adjust the difficulty of the game to better suit your group. If you wish the game to be harder, randomly flip one, two, or three Hard Mode cards to use in your game. These cards list what they do and will have a permanent effect for the entire game. The more Hard Mode cards you choose to flip, the more difficult the game will be. Similarly, if you want the game to be easier, randomly flip one, two, or three Easy Mode cards. Just like Hard Mode cards, Easy Mode cards have a permanent effect on the game; the only difference is that they make the game easier. If you wish to add variety to your game while maintaining the standard difficulty level, you may even choose to flip one Hard Mode and one Easy Mode card.


Of course like almost all games there are home grown rules made by fans that can change the Game Mode but being unofficial rules we don't wish to mix them with the official rules so if you want to see more then go to Homebrew .
