Mounted on battle-hardened Squawks, Frog Knights attempt to hold true to their former chivalrous past. With great leaps they maneuver through the battle to engage a worthy foe in single combat. Win or lose, such a duel is their highest honor.

- Type: Chimera Elite
- Crystal Affinity: Emerald
- Abilities: Surefoot
- Unique Actions: Frogger, Supremely Skilled Shrieking Squawk Strike
- Movement Points: 8
- Action Points: 2
- Strength: 2B 1R (Melee: 1)
- Armor: 2W (Defense)
- Willpower: 2B
- Dexterity: 1B 1R
- Hearts: 1
- Skull Points: 2
- Monster Platform: 8-Bit
- Spawning Point: Bramble Knight
Frog Knights bring a whole new definition of speed to the game of Super Dungeon Explore. Their base Speed 8 puts them in with the fastest models in the game, but things get really crazy when you pair it with their offensive action Frogger and its Pounce ability. Pounce allows you to place the model anywhere within 5 squares and adjacent to their target, before they make their offense roll. With 2 action points to spend this ability can have the Frog Knight leaping across the dungeon a jaw-dropping 18 squares! You can run but the Frog Knight will certainly catch you.
Surefoot is just icing on the Frog Knight’s mobility cake, allowing it to ignore difficult terrain and its harmful effects.
This incredible mobility comes at a cost however and the Frog Knight only has a single wound. This is somewhat offset by its respectable static ARM 2, but in general the Frog Knight is the very definition of a glass cannon.
When the Frog Knight finds a foe that its STR cannot harm it can switch to its tongue-twister ability Supremely Skilled Shrieking Squawk Strike. (Five times fast!) This offensive action provides the knight with a bonus red dice to STR and knocks down the target. That’s not all though. The Feint ability allows the Consul to force the target to reroll one of its defense dice. Hope you didn’t need those 4 stars your green dice rolled!
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