Hanzo has been called many things over his long and storied life: master, teacher, monster. His team won the Moonlight Tournament twenty-two years ago through legendary speed and infamous cunning. He displayed all these qualities in the Sun Empire, but added another—treachery—for the first and only time, a Kagejima shinobi decided to stay with the Sun Court.

- Type: Human Ika Hero
- Crystal Affinity: Ruby
- Abilities: Immune: Fire, Formless
- Unique Actions: Leaping Yamame, Tidal Wave
- Potions: Squid Ink
- Movement Points: 6
- Action Points: 3
- Strength: 2B 1R (Melee: 2)
- Armor: 3B (Defense)
- Willpower: 3B
- Dexterity: 2R
- Hearts: 5
- Potion Quantity: 1
Formless Hanzo Is based on Water Hanzo, which was only available as a prize for the Ninja All-Stars League promotion, The First Saga of Hanzo.
Changes from Hanzo: This version has slightly weaker STR and DEX than his normal form, 1B higher WILL and Ruby affinity instead of Citrine. Both of his actions are now offensive with neither using his DEX this time, and his potion is now defensive instead of boosting his attack. While he loses Mastery, he now gains Immune: Fire and his namesake ability, which lets you add 1B to ANY stat until you need it again.
Leaping Yamame Allows him to reach an enemy from afar and boosts his STR by 1R. Formless can further increase that stat do make sure the attack hits.
Tidal Wave is a Wave 3 Knockdown ability. This is very useful in Arcade, and does not require any dice roll.
Squid Ink is a blue potion that gives the drinker stealth. There are many ways to cast it on the party, but he is one of the few heroes that have it as a potion.
Formless Hanzo can fit any role in the party thanks to Formless. Early on, he can choose to increase his STR against the 16 Bit enemies while shifting to ARM once the Mid Boss and Boss appear to stay on the field. Once you get equipment that has Magic and Missile actions, he can switch to to the stat he needs to increase his effectiveness.
Other characters have actions that can add dice to any stat or roll; this can allow him to switch to the weaker stat when needed. As said before, Formless works with any stat, so don't be afraid to give him any type of treasure that gives him actions.
Playing as Formless Hanzo requires someone who knows their way around Super Dungeon as a whole. While Formless is powerful, you'll need to look at the monsters and determine where the die should go; placing it at the wrong stat could either knock him out very quickly or drag the game long enough for the boss to appear before he could damage anyone. Another thing to consider is that by giving him treasure with an action, even with the +1B increase, you risk giving it to him instead of another hero with a naturally higher stat.
Finally, while his attacks and potion are very useful, there are heroes whose actions are either better than his or have top priority. Hanzo's STR is higher, but Yagyu Jubei's Leaping Strike has +1G dice and, with his Swordsman's Sake, can hit more accurately when compared to an enhanced yamame on it's own. Glimmerdusk Ranger's Pixie Dust has Stealth and can increase her DEX, while the Nether Assassin(and her cosplayer Kasi) can make Squid Ink useless thanks to Nether Ash, which can be used when the drinker is about to be attacked. Although the Wandering Minstrel(as well as Songbird Candy) can increase Hanzo's stats even further, his Power Chord is the same as Tidal Wave but is a potion instead of a 2AP action, making the latter not worth activating.
Formless Hanzo can fit any role, but unless you know what you're doing, you should make him a primary attacker. While he is very good, he will need to have certain party members to work to his advantage. Prime examples are both Assassin/Kasi and Minstrel/Candy to free him up and give him better options, and both Unicorn Diviner and Cerberus Occultist to focus Formless elsewhere.
Even then, it may be better to just purchase Songbird instead; for the same price you can get the non-limited Candy, who can both use Tidal Wave for free and increase all her offensive rolls for 1AP, and her friend Twilight Cola, who cosplays as the powerful Twilight Knight.
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