Master artificers themselves, it is no surprise that some gnomes are willing to abandon all in pursuit of their craft—despite the risks. Lured by forbidden knowledge, Forge Gnomes have fallen to the Dark in order to apprentice under Lord Vulcanis. Though the skills they acquire are many, the cost they pay is high as the will of the Dark Consul slowly twists and subverts them into little more than monsters.
To be released
Explore Stats
- Type: Gnome Creep
- Crystal Affinity: Ruby
- Abilities: Insignificant, Fire
- Unique Actions: Freelance Fire Forge, Work The Bellows
- Movement Points: 4
- Action Points: 1
- Strength: 3B (Melee: 1)
- Armour: 1W (Defense)
- Willpower: 2B
- Dexterity: 1B
- Hearts: 1
- Skull Points: 0
- Monster Platform: 8-bit
Arcade Stats
- Type: Gnome Creep
- Crystal Affinity: Ruby
- Abilities: N/A
- Unique Actions: Stoke the Bellows
- Movement Points: 4
- Action Points: 1
- Strength: 1W
- Armour: 0W (Defense)
- Range: 4
- Hearts: 1
Explore Mode
[Insert Tips for Play]
Arcade Mode
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