Superdungeonexplore Wiki

The Deeproot Tree grew from the Goddess' first gentle step upon the land of Crystalia. Its roots run through the deep soil of every realm of Crystalia. Its thick trunk and mighty limbs reach to the sky, rivaling even the highest mountain peaks in size and grandeur.

Beneath the Deeproot Tree's canopy, spreads the Fae Wood - The First Forest. Within its wild and tangled foliage, the magic of the Goddess can still be felt, like a mother's gentle touch. Here, creatures of pure magic congregate; all manner of faeries, sprites, pixies, and spirits of Crystalia dance and play through the ancient wood.

Few mortal creatures are able to remain in the glow of the Goddess' presence for long, and the elves are one of the only mortal races who call the Fae Wood home. Those few who have been fortunate enough to catch a glimpse of the elven cities speak of plants that have grown to form living buildings, soaring walkways made of flowering vines, and crystalline towers that sprout from the trees themselves. Wise travelers avoid the Fae Wood unless invited in or accompanied by one of the elvin kin. The Lordship Ruins stand as a somber reminder to any who would challenge that wisdom.

Sadly, the Fae Wood is no longer exclusively the home of the Goddess' children. From deep within the Fae Wood, the Forgotten King has, inch by inch, corrupted the wood surrounding his ruined fortress, Lordship Downs. Within these cursed woods, terrible horrors lurk, preying upon the innocent. The Dark Consul’s nefarious influence touches our world, poisoning the very soil of this most majestic of forests. Fae and kodama—fickle and mischievous at the best of times—have grown cruel and malevolent in the deepening shadows under the darkening trees. The infestation has grown slowly, like stray weeds in a garden, until now it has turned whole sections of the Wood to haunted and evil places that feed on life rather than feeding that life.

"The Fae Wood has become a battleground against the creeping darkness. Unlike other realms (such as Glauerdoom Moor) where the Dark Consul’s minions have clear advantages, or where they have triumphed already (such as the Midnight Tower), the Fae Wood remains a bastion of the Goddess’s light. It is assaulted on all sides and from within, however, and the fight to drive the evil from its eves has become near constant; some corner of the Wood sees fighting every day. And that, in some ways, is the greatest tragedy and a mark of the Dark Consul’s power, that even while imprisoned, he can cause suffering and strife in a land defined by bounty and joy." ––– from Facets of the Crystal Kingdom, by Armellian Bythrian, chapter two.
