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Superdungeonexplore Wiki

Errata and FAQ for Forgotten King

VERSION: APRIL 14, 2015[]


1.01 Codifier Kisa Card, Catnip: Catnip is a blue support action.

1.02 Cursed Talisman, Von Drakk Treasure: Replace “makes a defense roll” with “makes an offense roll”.

1.03 Shadow Crown, Treasure: Ignore the Forgotten King image. Shadow Crown is a “base” treasure card.

1.04 Fool’s Gold, Roxor Treasure, Luck: Replace definition with, “When a model with Luck draws treasure cards, they may draw one additional card, then choose one of the cards drawn and shuffle it back into the deck.”


2.01 Classic Mode, Page 18, Smash Chest: Delete first instance of “Remove target treasure chest from the dungeon map.”

2.02 Classic Mode, Page 20, Second Column, Consul Turn: Delete “The Wisp that is currently on the dungeon map has one wound token, which she removes from the model.”

2.03 Bone Pile Ability: Add, “Enemy models may spend 2 movement points to remove an adjacent Bone Pile from play.”

2.04 King Starfire Card, Tail Sweep: Replace “Starfire” with “King Starfire”.

2.05 Fire Gel Card, Insignificant: Replace with, “If a Hero is on the same dungeon tile as a model with Insignificant it may be activated in addition to any other monsters that are activated during the Consul Turn. A model may not draw a loot card for destroying a model with Insignificant.”

2.06 Herald of Vulcanis Card, Flaming Javelin: Replace “Melee 6 Icon” with “Missile 6 Icon”.

2.07 Trent Card, Flavor Text: Replace with, “Young by treant standards Trent was always a bad seed. Rooted in the faery-haunted Mistmourn Coast, he was always cranky and inclined to distrust. Even so, Trent was slow to anger as the mischievous fae lurking in the mists would tease and taunt him.

After several centuries the young treant could stand it no longer, uprooting and wreaking vengeance upon the playful fae. Once his fury was unleashed it was as long-lived as the Fae Wood itself. In the end, it was remarkably easy for the Dark Consul’s whispers to turn Trent’s fury towards all the peoples of Crystalia.”

2.08 Shadow-Mode Candy Card, Nether Soul: Add “Melee 1 Icon”.

2.09 Dust Mage Card, Bone Cold: Add “Magic 6 Icon”.

2.10 Add Immune: Status Effects icon key definition to back of the following cards: Bramble Knight, Turtle Shell, Rockin’ Roxor.


3.01 Page 17, Smash Chest: Delete first instance of “Remove target treasure chest from the dungeon map.”

3.02 Page 23, 4. Draw Command Card: Add, “If no monsters remain on the dungeon, do not draw a command card. Instead, immediately resolve a Spawn command as explained on page 24.”

3.03 Page 29, Unique Command, Step 1, Overgrowth Action: Replace “Wave 5” with “Wave 3, Poison”.

3.04 Page 29, Unique Command, Step 1, Last Paragraph: Replace with, “Overgrowth is an offensive action that is a Wave 3 area effect, so it does not use Trent’s range. Princess Emerald and Thundervale Huntress are both in the area effect and must make a defense roll against Trent’s STR 4. Princess Emerald and Thundervale Huntress both win their roll and suffer no wounds. If they had failed they would have suffered both a wound and the status effect Poison.”

3.05 Page 29, Unique Command, Step 4, It’s Medicinal Action: Replace “Wave 5” with “Wave 6”

3.06 Page 29, Unique Command, Step 4, Last Paragraph: Replace “Wave 5” with “Wave 6”.

3.07 Page 29, Unique Command, Step 4, Last Paragraph: Replace “within 5 squares” with “within 6 squares”.

3.08 Page 31, Power-Up, Questing Knight Card: Add Chainmail Equipment card.

3.09 Bone Pile Ability: Add, “Enemy models may spend 2 movement points to remove an adjacent Bone Pile from play.”

3.10 Surge Ability: Replace with, “If no Hero is in range of a model with Surge move it an additional 5 squares towards the Hero with the most wrath.”

3.11 Starfire Card, Knockdown: Add, “(Arcade: A monster suffering Knockdown may not perform commands until the next Move command. Instead of moving it must remove the Knockdown token.)”

3.12 Ragin’ Roxor Card, Hex: Replace “defense roll” with “offense roll”.

3.13 Shallow Grave Card, Bane: Add, “(Arcade: A monster suffering Bane reduces its ARM by 1 star.)”

3.14 Kaelly the Nether Strider Card, Hex: Add, “(Arcade: A monster suffering Hex reduces its STR by 1 star.)”

3.15 Herbalist Card, Affinity: Add Ruby (Red) Crystal Affinity.

3.16 Will-O-Wisps Card, Affinity: Add Ruby (Red) Crystal Affinity.

3.17 House of Frog Card: Replace, “Bonded Chimera Minion” with “Bonded Chimera Elite”.

3.18 Add Immune: Status Effects icon key definition to back of the following cards: Old-Growth Hollow, Bramble Knight, Kobold Warrens, Egg Clutch, Lava Whirl, Salt Pillar, Tribal Stone, Shallow Grave, Pumpkin Patch, Claw Shrine, Grabby House, Fungal Growth.


4.01 Question: The Secret Passage Tile Effect card says “Heroes place one token in a square on this tile and one in any other tile”, but does not mention any type of token. What kind of token should the players use?

Answer: Use the generic crystal tokens included with the game for any unique effects that require a token, but are not prevalent enough to warrant getting their own unique token.

4.02 Question: In Arcade Mode are the Old Growth Hollow monsters supposed to have the ability, Immune: Poison.

Answer: No, unlike the Classic Mode versions they do not have Immune: Poison.

4.03 Question: Why don’t monster actions in Arcade Mode have range icons?

Answer: All actions in Arcade Mode use the monster’s Range (RNG) attribute.

4.04 Question: When a spawning point is destroyed and no elite is on the dungeon map, which surviving minions can form a gang with, what do the minions do?

Answer: If another spawning point is capable of spawning an elite which the minions can form a gang with, the minions will move towards that spawning point. If no such spawning point exists the minions will cease acting and remain in place. We can assume they are paralyzed with fright, or otherwise incapable of mounting an attack without a leader to organize them. Heroes may destroy the minions to gain loot as normal.

4.05 Question: Can the Consul spawn to intentionally destroy a spawning point and spawn the mini boss?

Answer: Yes.

4.06 Question: Does lava from the first edition tiles still cause the status effect Fire?

Answer: Yes. When using the first edition tiles most the tile effects should translate as normal.

4.07 Question: If a model with Invader is on a Hero’s card, and the Hero dies, what happens to the model with Invader.

Answer: Place the model in a square adjacent to the deceased Hero’s skull token.

4.08 Question: Can monsters with Heal or Mend, heal spawning points?

Answer: Yes.

4.09 Question: Are the Sprout and King Sprout considered the same model?

Answer: Yes. King Sprout is the Shapeshift form of the Sprout model. So long as King Sprout is in play, its Sprout form may not spawn.

4.10 Question: The backpack description says it can be used to hold unequipped items, but at the end of the Power-Up phase unequipped items are discarded. Is this intended?

Answer: Yes. The backpack holds unequipped items that have been gained during the current turn. During the Power-Up Heroes may equip the unequipped items if they choose, with any the remain unequipped being discarded. Some cards, such as certain wonders are never discarded and remain in the backpack even if unequipped. When this is the case it will be specified on the card.

4.11 Question: Do spawning points suffer a wound after they spawn monsters during the game’s initial setup “Populate Dungeon” step?

Answer: No. This first spawning is free and causes no wounds.

4.12 Question: When the Bombardier uses Turtle Cannon, does it resolve both a normal throw attack and a separate Burst 2 attack?

Answer: No. The Burst 2 area effect causes the damage from the throw attack to be applied to every model within two squares of the thrown model, instead of just those it stopped adjacent to.

VERSION: APRIL 17, 2015[]


1.01 Codifier Kisa Card, Cat & Mouse: Cat & Mouse is a blue support action.

1.05 Soul Spike, Von Drakk Explore Card: Replace Backlash definition with, “When a model with Backlash is targeted by an offensive action and wins the defense roll, the model making the offense roll suffers one wound.”

1.06 Deeproot Wolf Rider Card, Glimmerberry Juice: Add, “(Arcade: Decrease STR of target enemy model's action by 2.)”
