Emerald is the green Goddess Crystal, and the name of the green Affinity.
It is also the name of the green-colored dice.
It is located at the right of the Hero card, and is most commonly associated with Armor.
Heroes with Emerald Affinity:
- Arena Champion
- Cat Burglar
- Celestial Herald
- Crook-Eye Tracker
- Deeproot Scout
- Deeproot Wolf Rider
- Glimmerdusk Ranger
- Glimmerdusk Ranger (Alt Gender)
- Glimmerdusk Ranger (Reprint)
- Hidden Shrine Infiltrator
- Miserable Toad
- Moonspire Guardian
- Nether Assassin
- Ninja Cola
- Nyan-Nyan
- One Shot
- Princess Emerald
- Princess Malya
- Ritfling Rogue
- Riftling Rogue (Alt Gender)
- Riftling Rogue (Reprint)
- Twilight Knight
- Von Wilding
- Von Wilder
- Wandering Minstrel