[This Hero is not yet released and subject to change]
The soul of the mage reflects the magic they are able to harness, and the shape of the power they manifest. Ember mages are quick to anger, and wield terrible blasts of fire and brimstone. This fury is often balanced by bold and outgoing personalities that draw many to the bright glow of their charisma. Their destructive magic is highly sought after by adventuring parties willing to take the risk.
Stats []
- Type: Human Hero
- Crystal Affinity: Ruby, Citrine
- Abilities: Fire
- Unique Actions: Fire Wave, Magma Strike
- Potions: White Mage, Fire Water
- Movement Points: 6
- Action Points: 3
- Strength: 2B (Melee: 1)
- Armor: 3B (Defense)
- Willpower: 2R (Magic : 8)
- Dexterity: 1B 1R
- Hearts: 5
- Potion Quantity: 2
See: Ember Mage and Ember Mage 2.0 as this hero is identical except for Art.
SuperDungeonExplorer Character Review