Superdungeonexplore Wiki

This mountainous, volcanic region curls around the North of Crystalia like a slumbering dragon, granting the entire realm its name. Rugged and blisteringly hot, the Dragonback Peaks are no place to travel lightly.

Once, the Dragonback Peaks were home to proud clans of Hearthsworn Dwarves who dwelled beneath the stony peaks in vast halls. On the surface above, Lunar Elves built delicate towers that pierced the night sky; while noble human barbarian tribes lived within its few sheltered valleys and deep pine forests.

The Dragon Call shattered these once glorious civilizations. In the final moments of the Dark Consul's terrible assault on the Goddess Tower, the ancient dragons awoke from their slumber. The ashes of the battle left the Goddess' children weak, and the dragons wrought new devastation upon them.

Most terrible among them was Starfire. Powerful in his own right, the Ruby Dragon was also a cunning general. The Hearthsworn Dwarves were driven from their holds. The Lunar Towers were shattered, scattering the Lunar Elves to the wind. Ever since, the Dragonback Peaks have been a realm ruled by the monsters of the Dark Consul.

Starfire Mountain never sleeps, and its fiery eruptions paint the sky red and orange. Bright rivers of lava known as the Fire Flows course their way down its slopes, emptying into the Scalding Sea. Along its jagged coastline lies the Hall of Vulcanis. Outcasts from Celestia, his Legionnaires train endlessly for the day he will return as its conqueror
