It is rumoured that Araphel was a mentor to the Dark Consul himself, hoping to add him to the ranks of her Devoted. However, in a rare coup it was the Dark Consul who ascended to ultimate power within the Dark Realm. Outwardly, Araphel speaks with derision about the Consul's betrayal but, privately, Araphel is proud that her student was capable of such delicious trickery. She is the Mistress of Chains and Lady of Deceit, giving aid to any who seek to subvert and control the will of those around them. She aids her old student by spreading rumours and lies through the heart of Crystalia. Her Devoted come from every walk of life, even the clergy of other deities are sometimes the Devoted of Araphel in disguise, working her poison plots from within other houses of worship.
Explore Stats

- Type: Demon Dungeon Boss
- Crystal Affinity: Amethyst
- Abilities: Spead The Love, Do It For Me?
- Unique Actions: Blind Obedience, Lovestruck, Go For The Eyes!
- Movement Points: 6
- Action Points: 4
- Strength: 2B
- Armour: 2R 1G (Defense)
- Willpower: 2R 2G (Magic: 6)
- Dexterity: 3B
- Hearts: 9
- Skull Points: 4
- Monster Platform: Super
Boss Spawn

Come, My Loves: Spawn Spiteful Cherubs anywhere in the dungeon until there are four in play.
Come Hither: All Heroes suffer Compel 2.
Hold Them!: Spawn one Spiteful Cherub adjacent to each Hero in play.
Arcade Stats

- Type: Demon Dungeon Boss
- Crystal Affinity: Amethyst
- Abilities: My Pretties, Sense Weakness, Spead The Love, Do It For Me?
- Unique Actions: Blind Obedience, Lovestruck, Go For The Eyes!
- Movement Points: 6
- Action Points: 4
- Strength: 5W
- Armour: 4W (Defense )
- Range: 6
- Hearts: 9
Explore Mode
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Arcade Mode
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