In the frozen lands of Frostbyte Reach, there is a legend about the Curse Raven. It is said that if you see one, someone close to you is on their way to death. it is not known if Curse Ravens cause the demise, or merely warn of the impending doom, but they are dreaded sight either way.
Explore Stats[]


- Type: Undead Creep
- Crystal Affinity: Emerald
- Abilities: Bonded Creep: Elrik, Despair, Parade of Death
- Unique Actions: Deathmark
- Movement Points: 1
- Action Points: 1
- Strength: 0W
- Armor: 1W (Defense)
- Willpower: 3B (Magic: 3)
- Dexterity: 2B
- Hearts: 1
- Skull Points: 1
- Monster Platform: 8-bit
Arcade Stats[]


- Type: Undead Creep
- Crystal Affinity: Emerald
- Abilities: Bonded Creep: Elrik, Parade of Death
- Unique Actions: Despair, Deathmark
- Movement Points: 4
- Action Points: 1
- Strength: 3W
- Armor: 1W (Defense)
- Range: 8
- Hearts: 1
Explore Mode
[Insert Tips for Play]
Arcade Stats
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Errata: (Bonded Ceep: Elrik) Added to Abilities on both Explore and Arcade cards December 8 2021