The drakes of the Frostbyte Reach plague the frozen caverns, ruins, and forests of that frigid land. Utterly in the thrall of the Sapphire Dragon, Hoarfang, the drakes share his mercurial behavior. Many dwarven holds have even “tamed” clutches of drakes to serve as companions and hunting beasts. However, they must always be on guard for it is not uncommon for a clutch of drakes to suddenly turn upon their allies should the mood strike them.
Explore Stats[]
- Type: Spawning Point
- Crystal Affinity: Citrine
- Abilities: Immune: Status Effects, Black Ice
- Armour: 1W (Defense)
- Hearts: 3
- Spawning Pool
- 1x Cold Eggs (Spawning Point)
- 2x Frostbyte Wyrmling
- 2x Frostbyte Whelp
- 2x Frostbyte Hatchlings
- Monster Platform: Start
Arcade Stats[]
- Type: Spawning Point
- Crystal Affinity: Citrine
- Abilities: Immune: Status Effects
- Armour: 1W (Defense)
- Hearts: 3
- Spawning Pool
- 1x Cold Eggs (Spawning Point)
- 2x Frostbyte Wyrmling
- 2x Frostbyte Whelp
- 2x Frostbyte Hatchlings
- Gangs
Explore Mode[]
The Cold Eggs spawning point is an alternate profile for your Egg Clutch spawning point models. Its profile remains largely the same. However, it now has the Black Ice ability which pushes models which end their activation close to the Cold Eggs two squares away.
Not surprisingly, the Cold Eggs spawning point is a perfect companion to the Frozen Warrens. When used in conjunction, the two spawning points keep the Heroes frozen and unable to use their unique actions, severely limiting their options. mmmm herosicles!
Arcade Mode[]
[insert tips for play]
Alternate Profile[]
- Egg Clutch 1.0
- Egg Clutch FK
- Egg Clutch 2.0
- Nether Clutch