When spirits seek to break the veil between life and death. It is the Chochin-Obake who light their way. The more powerful of these ghostly apparitions pull the Chochin-Okbake through with them so that the ghostly minions can illuminate the souls of the living.
Explore Stats []

- Type: Undead Ghost Creep
- Crystal Affinity: Amethyst
- Abilities: Immune:Status Effect, Ghost, Illumination
- Unique Actions: Siphon Life
- Movement Points: 6
- Action Points: 2
- Strength: 1B
- Armor: 3B (Defense)
- Willpower: 1G (Magic: 1)
- Dexterity: 3B
- Hearts: 1
- Skull Points: 1
- Monster Platform: 8-bit
Arcade Stats[]

- Type: Undead Ghost Creep
- Crystal Affinity: Amethyst
- Abilities: Immune:Status Effect, Ghost
- Unique Actions: Siphon Life
- Movement Points: 4
- Action Points: 1
- Strength: 2W
- Armor: 0W (Defense)
- Range: 3
- Hearts: 1
Explore Mode
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Arcade Mode
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As Pet
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