Superdungeonexplore Wiki
Loot Card Back 2

Loot Cards are the generic equipment that Heroes obtain when they slay a Minion or Elite Monsters.

SD:E 1.0[]

The Loot Deck is made up of loot cards representing various weapons, armor and items that Heroes discover during their adventure in the dungeon.

The 48 loot cards that come with this boxed set are considered the base Loot Deck. Some monsters may come with additional loot cards. When this occurs, those cards are added to the base Loot Deck for any game in which they are fielded.

Forgotten King / Forgotten King Arcade[]

The base loot deck is made up of 48 loot cards.

If players possess unique loot cards from organized play events or special models, they may add these loot cards directly to the the deck, or swap them out on a one by one basis to customize the deck.

Arcade 1.0[]

Every time a Hero destroys a monster they may draw a Loot Card.

They may equip the card immediately, sacrifice it to remove a wound counter, or sacrifice it to remove a status effect.

If the card is not used immediately then it is discarded.

Only Heroes may open treasure chests. When a treasure chest is opened they may either draw a card from the treasure deck as normal OR they may draw a single card from the Loot Deck.

If a loot card is drawn all monsters in the Hero’s warband gain the listed affect.

SD:E 2.0[]

The party earns rewards for its accomplishments during the activation phase. The party places earned rewards in the backpack. Rewards may be used by any Hero.

There is no maximum on the amount of loot or treasure cards the Heroes may draw in a turn. Heroes draw one loot for every full three skull points of 8-Bit monsters destroyed in one turn; if the Heroes only destroy one or two skull points worth of 8-Bit monsters, they do not carry over to subsequent turns.

For each 16-Bit monster destroyed draw 2 loot cards.

For each spawning point destroyed draw loot cards equal to the tile number it was on plus one, (e.g. two for the first tile, three for the second, four for the third).

The party may not draw loot cards for monsters that were destroyed during the Consul Turn (such as from Fire or Backlash) or that possess the Insignificant ability. Rewards for destroying spawning points or which result in treasure cards may be drawn as normal, regardless of the turn it was destroyed.

Six loot cards can be exchanged for one treasure card.

Arcade 2.0[]

The party earns rewards for its accomplishments during the activation phase. The party places earned rewards in the backpack. Rewards may be used by any Hero.

There is no maximum on the amount of loot or treasure cards the Heroes may draw in a turn. Heroes draw one loot for every full three minion monsters destroyed in one turn; if the Heroes only destroy one or two minion monsters, they do not carry over to subsequent turns.

For every elite monster destroyed, draw 1 loot card.

For each spawning point destroyed draw loot cards equal to the tile number it was on plus one, (e.g. two for the first tile, three for the second, four for the third).

The party may not draw loot cards for monsters that were destroyed during the Consul Turn (such as from Fire or Backlash) or that possess the Insignificant ability. Rewards for destroying spawning points or which result in treasure cards may be drawn as normal, regardless of the turn.

All items (201)
