Superdungeonexplore Wiki

The Dungeon Boss is a terrible and powerful foe, the biggest, toughest monsters in a dungeon. It can be the final decisive blow to end the game, or the surprising pendulum swing that turns the entire tide of the adventure in the opposite direction. When the dungeon boss spawns, the boss fight begins.

1st Edition[]

A boss may only spawn when the Power Gauge reaches Super! or when the Heroes have successfully destroyed all the spawning points. Bosses are monsters and may only be fielded by the Consul.

Forgotten King[]

When the last spawning point on the dungeon map is destroyed, the Consul may place the dungeon boss anywhere on the same dungeon tile.

The dungeon boss is a Super monster and, when in play, may be activated during each Consul Turn in addition to the Consul’s normal four skull points of monsters as described in Activate Monsters,

2nd Edition[]


If a space on the Mighty Monster Chart says Boss Sighting, it will also note a dungeon tile (or tiles). If any Heroes are in the noted tiles when the Boss Sighting space is reached, then the dungeon boss’s timeout effect is triggered and is applied to all models in those tiles. (A dungeon boss’s timeout effect is listed on its boss fight card.) If the timeout requires range to be measured from the dungeon boss, instead, the Consul chooses a Hero that is on one of the affected tiles and measures range from the chosen Hero instead.

The dungeon boss is a Super monster and, when in play, may be activated during each Consul Turn in addition to the Consul’s normal four skull points of monsters as described in Activate Monsters.

All items (38)
